Monday, December 29, 2008
Thats all for now. too lazy to make a real post...
Monday, December 22, 2008
So now im back here in ptown until friday the 26th before i finally head back to vegas to see mr. jinx and finally sleep in my own bed! That might not seem like a big deal but its literally been over a month since ive been home and sleeping in different beds/locations like every other day is getting a bit tiring. Also i just cant wait to get back on a somewhat normal schedule. I dont think that is going to happen though until after new years since i still have xmas here, my birthday in vegas, and of course new years all coming up within the next week. Its going to be a great time but im pretty worn out from the past month and cait wait to bring in the new year. Im still uncertain as to what im going to be doing for my birthday on the 27th because i just found out that i will be in vegas instead of michigan. I kinda just wanna relax and not do much.... but at the same time part of me almost feels obligated to go out and do it up big just because its my bday. And for new years that is also still kinda up in the air. I have a buddy coming into town to stay at our place over new years but at the same time Shawn really wants me to go with her to see Fergie at the venetian so we'll see what happens. I really wouldnt mind just having a drink or two and chilling out.... BUT theres also that big devil sitting on my shoulder yelling at me to go out and get rediculous on both nights so i guess we'll see if i can fight the urges haha.
Obviously a ton has been going on since my last post so i really dont even know where to begin. I want to start writing up a summary of the trip but at the same time its kinda stupid because i dont have any of my pictures to include with it. My computer is still fucked up and best buy said they would have to send it out for like 3 weeks so i have to wait until i get back to vegas before i decide what i want to do. I would just buy a new one but its only a little over a year old and still in really good shape/up to date so thats not really an option. So i think im just going to go ahead and break down the trip by country and i will put up the pictures whenever i figure out what to do about my laptop. Unfortunately for you though this is getting way too long so i will start with part 1/italy tomorrow. So check back for the beginning of my trip summary through europe sometime tomorrow and im out.
Oh and i will be sending out the 10 dollars to the 5 people from last week in a few minutes. Merry Christmas you bastards.......jk haha.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Live from spain....
Other than the few problems stated above and the hard time using the phone everything has gone really smooth. Im pretty impressed with the way that we have kinda mastered the ins- and- outs of the way things work over here in a little under only 3 weeks. The first few days were pretty intimidating but now i feel like im just on vacation anywhere and kinda know my way around everything. I do plan on writing up a much more detailed trip report but obviously dont have the time to do so here in the lobby. Another thing that sucks about my computer being down is that im not going to be able to get all of my pictures from the computer until its fixed, theres a ton of pictures too. Hopefully they can fix it but i have a bad feeling its in pretty bad shape, we´ll see. I get home thursday night and finally get to lay back and relax...... for a whole 1 night haha. Im getting home thursday then staying down at the renaissance center in detroit for 3 nights with my gf, im pretty excited and cant wait to see her. Also i will get to see my first redwings game of the season so im pretty pumped about that as well.
The trip has been absolutely amazing and really has opened my eyes. Ive done a decent amount of traveling i guess but will be taking big trips like this once a year for now on. Im not positive on where the next destination will be for sure but we´ve got a couple really cool places in mind. Alright well this is getting long enough so check back like friday for some more updates and im out.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Train kept a rollin all night long.....
Alright well i wrote this paragraph above about an hour ago with the intentions of writing up a trip summary but got side tracked so i guess ill try and do it later. Im sure ill be a little under the influence so it will be much more entertaining for you anyways lol. Today we are about to head over to Anne Franks house, check out the van gogh musuem, and then start the gong show all over again haha. Some reason its taking forever to load up so u will just have to wait until later, check back later and im out.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Ramblin,Gamblin, Travelin Man.....
Saturday i was still feeling pretty rough when i woke up which wasnt good because i had to do it all over again starting at 5p.m., ugghhhh. A group of us had tickets to go see Jerry Seinfeld do his stand up at Caesars at 730. We decided to all grab some dinner/drinks before hand at this place called Sea Blue inside of the mgm. It was more of a seafood place which im not really a fan of but the filet was really good and our buddy had a 400 voucher that he won at work so that always helps haha. The bill came out to around 700 between the 6 of us so we only had to pay 50 each at the end which was a pretty sick deal. Unfortunately Texas Tech was getting slaughtered on the tv right next to our table so that kind of sucked since we wouldve won like 650 or soemthing if they couldve covered. Our seats in the seinfeld show were pretty sick, we were dead center about 100 feet away. His stand up was pretty funny but seemed to go on and on towards the end. After the show got out we stood around the bar by the sportsbook hammering down drinks/shots until we decided what to do next. Of course when you get a group of poker players together drinking the night always seems to gravitate towards the strip club. So i collected my 200 bucks from betting on the sj/washington game (brag post) while we were in the show and we decided to head to penthouse which has this rediculously almost too good to be true deal of 25 dollars all you can drink haha. Thats just absurd.
Last night was supposed to be a take it easy/early night which obviously ended up in doing jaigerbombs til 4 in the morning. We (gf) went to buffalo wild wings to just grab a few cocktails and some food until the subject of bowling came up. We went bowling a few weeks earlier and she had beat me both games we bowled which was bullshit because i could barely walk let alone bowl at this point but thats another story. The bartender at bdubs told us they had 1 games/ 1 dollar beers after midnight at the south point, ship it. So we decided to head down there and give myself a shot to redeem my manhood haha. Unfortunately for her i was a little more sober this time and i won all 4 games. I couldnt believe how packed they were at like 3 am. It was a pretty fun time even though for 1 dollar games/beers i ended up running up like a 80 dollar tab haha, damn you jaigermeister.
Alright well this is getting crazy long and i have a ton of stuff to do so im going to wrap this up. It hasnt technically been a full week since my last post but ill ship the 10 to you guys anyways for me even letting it get close to a week. I still have a ton of hands from plo over the past week i planned on putting up but ill do it later. Im sure ill have some time in the airport later tonight so maybe ill put them up then. Check back later and im out.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Busy Month Ahead....
November 24- December 1) Home to Michigan for thanksgiving
Pretty self explanatory i guess. Back home to good ole' meeeechigan to see friends and family for thanksgiving that i havent seen in a while before heading out on the 1st.
December 1-17) Traveling around Europe (awesome)
Here is a rough sketch of what our trip is going to look like-
(click on the pic to get a better view)

We fly out of Detroit on the afternoon of the 1st and land in Rome, Italy on the 2nd. We are staying here until the 5th because I've heard from quite a few people that there is tons of stuff to see/do here, (wine,italian girls, the mafia, (insert italian stereotype here), etc...). Next we will travel up towards the Czech for a day(not really sure why other than the fact its kind of a middle point between italy and germany), im sure we'll find something to do..., Next we will probably stop in Germany for a day to maybe check out some beer and some of the old world war stuff(not sure what else there is to do there). After fleeing Germany we will make our way over to Amsterdam (probably for a few days lol) to sight see and really take part in some of the "cultural" activities their city has to offer. After a few days in amsterdam we will clear our heads with a stop in Brussels for a beer and some brats or whatever else there is to do there. After Brussels we will head to cowardly France to check out Paris for a few days and see how rude the french will be to us "ignorant americans." We will leave France and head down to Barcelona, Spain where will be spending the last week of our trip. We are going to the huge/superbowl esque soccer game between Barcelona vs. Real Madrid which should be an awesome time. The tickets were a bit pricey( 500 for a soccer game, i mean really? come on its soccer) but whatever im sure the experience alone is going to be well worth the price. And if not ill be betting a decent amount on the game to make up for it haha. Ive done a little research and it sounds like this game is like the superbowl where theres just 100k (stadium holds 100k) people partying all week long leading up to the game, fun fun. Well thats pretty much the summary of the trip. We are staying in hotels about half the time and hostiles the other half so I WILL be updating this when i get the chance to use the internet and put up tons of pictures along the way.
December 18-21) staying down at the Renaissance Center in detroit with my "friend"
Im not really sure what to call her so ill go with "good friend." We've been going out/hanging about everyday for the past month now and it just so happens she has to be in michigan for a wedding until December 15th. Instead of coming back to vegas shes going to wait until i get home so we can visit for a few days. It will also be pretty cool because believe it or not downtown detroit is actually a lot of fun (bars, restaurants, about every sporting event imaginable, casinos, the occasional murder(and by occasional i mean very often haha, sorry detroit i had to do it), etc..) but just gets such a bad wrap due to the city being in shambles. The redwings also play the sharks that night of the 18th which is perfect because ive been dieing to go to a wings game this season.
December 21-28 possibly 29th) Port Huron for christmas/my birthday
December 29th- ? ) Rounding out the trip in Vegas for new year's. Its going to be a pretty good month coming up and i cant wait to get it started.
Alright well this is getting way too long and im about falling asleep here on my laptop so time to end this. Im probably going to lay down for a while then head out and play some poker either at the wynn or venetian depending on what kind of mood im in. Poker has been going really well with me making a little under 10k in the past week or so but ill tell you all about that in the next post. I have a ton of hands to show you/talk to you about from the past week so ill probably update this tomorrow night. Seriously this time though i am going to start updating this on a much more frequent schedule then how its been lately. How about this? For now on if i go over a week without updating this i will give the First 5 people who call me out on it 10 dollars on pokerstars. All you have to do is give your name/city on pokerstars and the 10 is yours.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Yup not really a big pot but pretty much sums up how ive been running. They try to give it away but the cards just wont let them........ mbn just your standard 400+ bb pot. this was a fun one. Im going to go ahead and assume that a good portion of you who look at this are saying "wow cant this idiot fold aces" but im still kind of unsure how i feel about this hand. Anyone whos played online cash games over the past few years knows who Leatherass is and that hes a pretty solid player/winner and a thinking player. When he reraises the turn i was thinking he either just has me on some sort of weak jack/mid pair so he can get me off it or he has like qq/kk/ maybe the other AA. I elect to just call and set the trap. He overbets the turn which is where i decided like 99% sure i have the best hand so i just call again and am getting it in on any river. He insta shoved the river which kind of suprised me but ive played with him a ton and know hes definitely capable of value shoving a hand like KK on this river. I called fairly quickly/confidently only to be shown the JJ, sick sick. Given the line i decided to take in the hand and having played with leather quite a bit theres just no way im not getting it in in this spot. meh. I had a decent session going up a little over 1k over a few hours but this killed it and i mark up yet another losing session..
Alright just wanted to update this thing with something. Im heading to venetian or wynn to play for a while but i will be updating later on tonight with a real update so check back for that and im out.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Poker has been going alright since my last post. Ive actually been playing a little online and am up like 3k or something since last post in very minimal time put in. Live poker has been pretty so so. I havent really put in a real live session since last posting but have managed to play like 3 or 4 days. I dont call them "real" sessions because in the last week ive gone to play 2/5 with my buddies from back home and we would just get wasted/do shots while playing before going out for the night. Needless to say the shots made for some pretty swingy sessions and some interesting hands. The last session i put in though was absolutely sick. I was getting cold decked and ran into so many set up hands it felt like i was playing online in a tournament. I havent had to make so many huge lay downs in a session like that in a while and i still ended up losing a little under 1k in a 500 max buy in game at the MGM. Although i think i did manage to drink close to 1k in alcohol so i guess it was worth it haha. This was kind of a funny hand since my buddy was dealing and it was literally like my 2nd hand at the table.
Hand- someone limps in early position, im in the cutoff with 10 8 off so i raise it up to 20, the small blind calls and limper calls. FLOP is 997 , checks around to me i bet out 35 and the sb thinks for like 2 seconds before min raising to 70 and the other guy folds. I wasnt too sure of what he had but i figured if he has a 9 and i hit then theres no way hes folding so i just call. The turn is a Q and he checks??? I really thought about betting here because now im thinking hes probably not checking a 9 but i check and decide to take the free river. River is what appears to be my money card of a J making the BOARD 997QJ. He now leads out for 80 and the way the hand played out im like 90% sure he doesnt have a fullhouse so i raise it up to 250. He thinks for like maybe 5 seconds total before calling and flipping up K10 off for a higher straight hahha. I mean how could i not put him on minraising that flop of 997 with K10 ??????? hahahah. I shouldve known that almost getting stacked on the first hand was going to be a sign of things to come but what can ya do.
I started writing up this blog like 3 hours ago and got distracted by the new chris rock special on hbo so im going to have to finish this up tomorrow as its getting pretty late. Here is a list of some things i wanted to talk about that you can look forward to but more for me so i dont forget what i wanted to blog about.
My cars
Few fun/funny moments from partying the past week
My tanking mutual funds
My 3 week trip to Europe at the end of next month
Barcelona vs. Real Madrid soccer game
and some other random stuff i cant think of at the moment
Here are a few hands from today. Dont feel like explaining them but here they are and im out. STANDARD bustout hand for me involving any kind of tournament or sit-n-go i play online. They both couldve had like qq and i guarantee they wouldve hit a flush or possibly even a 5th queen on the river haha. It really is absurd/ almost mathematically impossible to run as horrible as i do in any kind of tournament i play on pokerstars but whatever. If i get it in vs. a 2 outer i think im about a 90% under dog, i really wish i was joking too but its pretty gross.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Just another boring Tuesday......
Yesterday was one of those days that make me realize how much i love this city. Theres just so much to do at all times i kinda take it for granted. Ive been waking up super early (like 10a.m) lately for some reason and im still not sure whether or not i like it. You sure can accomplish a lot during the day but at the same time it feels like the day just goes on forever. Im thinking by the time our friends get into town this weekend ill hopefully be able to return to my old sleep schedule ( 2-3pm to about 4/5 am)by the time they leave. A few friends from back home are coming into town so it should be pretty fun to say the least. After lounging in the pool for a few hours yesterday i decided i would head down to the wynn to win some money and predrink before having to pick up my buddy (d. lewis) from the airport at 9. Well things ended up only going half the way they were supposed to. By the time i left the wynn i accomplished my predrinking goal by slamming about 5 or 6 kettle/crans but unfortunately i was stuck 4 dollars, thats right i said 4 dollars haha. After picking him up we went dropped his shit off, did a few shots, and headed to Pure. Rick Ross was doing a show there so it was lined up all the way out the door... obviously we just walked right up like we owned the place and went right in. Its kinda nice having a best friend/roommate thats a host at LAX that can pretty much get us in anywhere for free. If it werent for him i dont think i would ever go to any of the clubs. They had a table/bottles close to the stage which was cool because i was actually kinda excited to see ricky ross. I dont listen to a lot of rap anymore but his last 2 cds have been really good and he is probably in my top 2 or 3 favorites. His entourage finally showed up around 1:30 im guessing and hit the stage and did 5 songs. I wish he wouldve did more but it wasnt a concert just an appearance so it was still pretty cool. Obviously Mike Tyson was there fattening up the place and creeping out the women. Everytime ive been to Pure hes been there lurking around, gross. After a few more drinks after the show we decided it was time to hit thee Rhino. Its been a few months since ive been there and when we walked in it all came back to me and i felt right at home again, haha not really but it was pretty cool. Chilled for a while, did some shots, got this girls digits, all in all it was a pretty fun night. Pretty funny story about the girl but this is getting way too long and i want to hop in the pool so ill tell u in the next post. Just another boring tuesday in paradise.....
Oh i almost forgot to tell you about the 3k misclick the other day at the wynn. Is it possible to misclick in live poker? apparently it is. It was pretty dead with only 2 2/5 games going but i drove all the way down there so i was going to play. I get seated at this table with about 1600 and its 6 handed. Within like the first 10 hands this hand comes up-
Hand- I have A5 of clubs and raise it up to 15 to go. Folds around to this lady in the small blind who calls and the bb folds. Heads up to the flop of A 7 A , a decent flop. She checks, i bet out 20 and she instantly just grabs a random stack and raises it 70 more. I just sat down but i just watched her bluff off a bunch of chips the hand before and could tell she wasn't that good to put it lightly. Anyways i just call. The turn is like a 2 or some nothing card and she instantly fires out like 120. Im about 99% she has nothing so again i just call and let her to continue to fire off her chips. The river is another 7, making the final board A A 7 7 2 . She again like without hesitation just goes all in on the river for like 1300 haha. I think for about 3 seconds how im going to karate chop the table in half if she has 77 but that just didnt make sense so i call. When i called i assumed at this point that i guess she must have an ace cuz as dumb as she is i cant see her bluffing off 1300 on the river with air..... So i call and she says "what do u got" im like an Ace obviously and she just mucks??????? hahaha. I heard her say later that she didnt realize i had so much money behind me but it was out in the open for everyone to see so who knows. She then later said how she had kings so i have no idea whether she thought she was bluffing or if she somehow thought she had the best hand?????? weird.
Anyways this is way too long and i need to get in the pool. We're going to play cards after and probably go out tonight for a repeat of last night. Either way check back tomorrow to see whats good and im out
Friday, September 26, 2008
WildCard Bitchesssss!!!!!!!!!
Well its only been a little over a week since my last post but with so much going on it feels like its been months. Dont worry this isnt some lame post about the baseball wildcard race, its always sunny in philadelphia is back on and that makes me happy. Entourage is back on which is alright i guess but i really cant wait for the new season of curb to start, i thought it usually stared around the same time as entourage but i havent seen any ads on hbo for it.
Ive been putting in very limited time at the tables but thats about to change. Ive played now for the past 3 days and am starting to get that passion to play and to make some loot again. I think being semi successful in terms of making money at poker kind of ruined my work ethic. When i was starting out all i wanted to do was play 24/7 and make as much money as possible. But now that ive made/saved a decent amount for someone my age ive kinda fallen into this trap of i dont really need it so im not going to play which is not good. Ive only played a few hours here and there over the past 3 or 4 days but thats a hell of a lot more than ive been putting in over the past month. Example- i went from supernova status on stars and for this month im still at Bronze star which is pretty bad. I also fell into my trap of putting 100 on bodog just to mess around with and see what i can build it to. I put that 100 on about a week/half ago, ran it up to about 1500 just dicking around, lost like 1k of it betting sports, and it currently sits at 900. This is the third time ive done this on bodog, first time i ran 100 up to 6.5k in like 2 weeks before blowing it all in some drunken 5/10plo one night haha. Second time i put 150 on there, quickly ran it up to like 3.5k before losing most of it betting sports. Netting me a total loss of 250 on the dog although im currently at 900 so i guess im a 550 winner. I'll keep you updated on the play money bankroll and see how high i can get it. Im getting ready to head down to the venetian for some 2/5 / possible 5/10 so im ill leave you with a few random hands from the past couple days. - I decide to play retard poker(tournaments) for the first time since wcoop and here is my typical bustout in gay fucking tournaments. Get close or into the money then lose to a 2 outer. Its literally always a 2 outer too. Fuck tournaments
I had a few more hands that i wanted to put up but for some reason their not showing up so i guess this is it for now. Alright well i had a bunch more i wanted to talk about but i also want to get down to the venetian to play so im going to cut this short. I promise this time im going to start posting more on a regular basis now that im going to be playing poker again. Check back too see how the money making is going and im out.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I like the night life baby.......
The title is pretty fitting to how the past weekend has gone. Oh and The cars are so sos sosos so underrated its stupid. Seriously though start listening to the cars and your mind will be BLOWN. Yeah things have been going alright i guess since the last post i made about retarded tournaments. Just got home like 20 minutes ago Pretty wasted since it is 11 AM and we started boozing pretty early last night hahaha. Pretty interesting night to say the least... Anyways for some odd reason i really wanted to hear the cars and figured i would post about how sick they are. Going to post tomorrow for sure about that trip to europe ive been talking about, me actually making monies over the weekend, and how ballin/retarded i am haha.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thursday, September 04, 2008
"All in KatDaddy"

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Long Overdue Update. (Part 1)
The next night we headed to san diego and had an awesome time. We decided to hit up the Padres game to start off the night which was really fun. The stadium was great because there wasnt a bad seat in the place. Unfortunately we bought tickets for like 40 bucks which was a waste because we couldve just got some 7 dollar cheapos and just moved to anywhere we wanted. The brewers beat them down pretty bad like 8-1 or something i think which was nice since i had like 200 on the brew crew. Afterwords we hit up this place called the Waterfront where our buddy used to work. It had a really cool/chill vibe to it. There was a band playing and it was like half outside kinda and i love places like that, unfortunately there are like none in vegas since its 894092 degrees. Only thing about this place that i disliked was that it closed at 2a.m. , after living here in vegas its just so weird now going to places (everywhere but here) where things close at 2 since some nights we dont even go out til 2. After the bars were closing we still wanted to party so we hit up some strip club called platinum i think that was open til 4 or something. It mightve been the creepiest display of creepiness ive ever seen. The rules are obviously a little different than vegas so it was just a weird experience all around. There was like 4 girls in the entire place with like 60 guys, super creepy.
The last day kinda sucked because i had a prett intense hangover from the night before. We walked down to the mall which is out in the open with no roof and just looked around at some stuff. I was planning on buying some stuff but all i really wanted to do was get the hell out of there becasuse i felt like shit. I did however purchase a Jamba Juice for the first time and talk about a total scam. This place had people lined up around the corner waiting to buy this over priced hippie crap. I mean my drink was alright but for 4 dollars and some change no thanks. I have some pretty cool pictures from the beaches and stuff but obviously i somehow managed to forget my camera in my friends car so once i get it back ill put them up. Anyways this is just a little piece of the update but its getting super long so im going to call it a night. Im on like no sleep and have lost my desire to type so check back tomorrow for part deux of the update and im out.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Huge Post.....

Haha gotcha. Im sorry for the lack of updates due to me being busy (mostly lazy) but i am updating later tonight for sure. I got some shit i have to do for now and am going to play some cards after that for a bit but whenever i get home later tonight im 100% updating. If by some chance i havent updated by tomorrow i will give the first 5 people ( as if there are even 5 people who read this..)who call me out on it 20 bucks on pokerstars. Alright well have a good day and check back later for the newly updated post.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Busy Busy.
-Video of our apartment
-Video of me burning my fortune cookie fortune
-Me rivering a straight flush for a 2.6k pot
-Me bitching about how i run horrible (2.4k pot all in with my AA vs QQ) QQ=nuts obv
-My new cali king bed and me bitching about how expensive/involved bedding stuff is.
-The cops in our area
-Sick storm that hit us a few days ago which included golf ball size hail!(we live in the desert....
- And how i FUCKING HATE Wal mart and will never shop at the white trash magnet again.
Alright well check back friday or saturday afternoon for a HUGE post and im out
Monday, July 28, 2008
Weekend Wrap up...
We got turned down once again on a house we were looking to move into and its really starting to get down to the last minute. Unfortunately the people that were in there before totally trashed it and they want to rent to families now. So after searching for houses during the day i decided to hit up red rock after to play some 2/5 mainly because i didnt feel like driving all the way down and dealing with the madness of the strip on the weekend. Red rock is a really nice casino and only like a 2 minute drive from our place but the game usually sucks and theres NEVER a 5/10 going. I got there around 8 or 9 and the session went pretty well. I think i left around 1 or 2 and was able to book a nice win of just under 1800, not bad for 2/5.
I woke up today really looking forward to burning/donating money in the sunday donkaments but our real estate lady called us with 3 more houses and since our lease is up in 5 days and we have nowhere to live yet we decided it might be a good idea to go look at them haha. They were all pretty nice located in the henderson area and she is supposed to let us know tomorrow which ones are available. Hopefully we can get this over with by tomorrow or tuesday so ill know for sure where we'll be living next week. Also my friend (c. moeller) is leaving michigan thursday to drive out here to live with us and it would be nice to let him know he has somewhere to live when he gets here haha. Although i wouldnt be opposed to setting up shop and getting a room in the I.P. for a month haha..... A little tip for all you vegas newbies- Ive stayed at the flamingo,wynn,harrahs,hooters,frontier(r.i.p),caesars,a few others, and NONE of them compare to THEE Imperial Palace.
Tonight after looking at a few more houses i decided to head back to red rock to play a little pokah. The game was super dead but i managed to pick up a set of 4s and take down a decent sized pot. Good thing to because other than this pot i dont think i won another hand in the 2-3 hours i was there. I started to feel my interest level/patience starting to quickly disappear so i decided to rack up and call it a night with a profit of around 750 or something. All in all its been going pretty well since coming back. Im up a little under 3k since coming back on tuesday and hopefully i can get things turned around with a little heater and forget about that nasty little downswing i was on. Anyways this is getting pretty long so check back tomorrow to see if we have somewhere to live in a week and how tomorrows poker went and im out.
P.S.- Dont think ive forgot about burning that fortune cookie fortune haha. Ive decided im going to wait until we get a new place and do it there for a fresh start. STAY TUNED for Pictures/possibly video of the sacrifice to come.......
Friday, July 25, 2008
Vegas/ 200th post!
Since aerosmith made this song like 89 years ago this was the closest thing to a music video i could find for this song. I think back in the saddle is a pretty fitting theme for this blog and how i feel about returning back to vegas from my 2 week vacation to michigan. Michigan was a blast but towards the end i was ready to get back to vegas and do work.
I signed in ready to make this post when i noticed that this was my 200th post.... It doesnt really seem like ive made that many pointless ramblings but apperantly i have so thats kinda cool i guess. I wish i could talk about how things are so much different since starting this blog with my 40k in 100 days goal but not much has. The only real change has been that i live in vegas now which i guess is kind of a major change but other than that things kind of are the same as that first post. Unless you are a die hard thats been reading my blog since day 1 (im sure theres none haha) I suggest going back and reading some of my early posts, kinda cool to look back and see exactly what i was doing/thinking at that point in my life.
I logged my first live session in what seems like years yesterday at the wynn. It felt kind of weird walking back in there because i went from playing there almost everyday to yesterday was my first time there in like 2 months. Everything/everyone was pretty much the same except the fact that the room was completely dead. There was only 2 tables of 2/5 no cap and only 1 table of 5/10 going. I decided to go with the 2/5 which i played for about 4-5 hours and was able to pick up a little over 700, finally a winning session. I still ran pretty shitty but was able to just grind out a few smallish pots that added up to a pretty solid first session, IM BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCKK, BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKK in the saddle again...
I think im about to 8 table 1-2 on stars for a bit to get some vpp points on stars so i can get back to Platinum status. I still need like 5k points but i think i should be able to reach that by the end of the month. Ill probably do that for a few hours then head down to the wynn again for some live pokers so check back later to see how that went and im out.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Well i was hoping being home would be a nice relaxing time without much poker but i was wrong. There really hasnt been much poker but ive sure managed to dump a pretty decent amount in very limited play. Since being home ive played for maybe 4 or 5 hours total and have managed to lose about 7k, fucking sick. Im really glad i dont know how to make those pokertracker graphs because mine would be a straight line down. In my defense about 5.5k of it was from coming home wasted and playing some drunken plo which was probably not the best idea haha. Ive been really good about not playing serious stakes when drunk but i started off just playing some 1/2 heads up against this total idiot who put me on tilt so i followed him to 5/10 and ran like dog shit like the past month now. Im not really sure what my next move is going to be pokerwise. I really dont feel like im playing bad but obviously something isnt going right. I have been running horribly but i cant really put all the blame on that. I might take like a week of just watching cardrunners videos, studying, and just try to clear my head and come back with a fresh start. I cant remember who's blog i was reading but they were talking about how they had too much time on their hands so they would play poker to just pass time instead of really wanting to play and i feel like that might be whats been going on lately. Hopefully after a tiny break i can get things back on track and quit lighting money on fire like the past month or so... This is in no way an "im busto" post haha which is probably what you are thinking reading this. Im still in great shape financially (bankroll management 101) but anytime you lose 20+k in a month it can mess with your mind a bit. aaahhhhhhhh the life of a poker player. STAY IN SCHOOL KIDS HAHA.
Also im not a very superstitious person at all but i swear since i got this fortune cookie fortune at the beginning of my downswing things have just gone awful. I kept it on my desk at home kind of as a joke but i think when i get back to vegas next week i will be lighting it on fire haha.
Other than the few hours of poker Michigan has been great. Its always fun to come home to see family/friends especially this time of year with the beautiful michigan weather. I know people talk about how shitty michigan weather is and for the most part thats true, but there's no better place to be in the summer. Just relaxing outside, bbqing, having some drinks, and hitting up the lake is just awesome. Its always a nice change of from the dress clothes/shoes scene of vegas to just being able to throw on some shorts and sandals and grab some beers. Im heading up to my 2nd favorite city Toronto with my dad on thursday and i cant wait. I really dont know what it is about that city but i just love it there and if i didnt love vegas so much i would strongly consider living there. Ill be back from there friday and hitting up a kid rock concert this weekend so ill try to put a post up sometime after that. Until then here are a few of the hands from that drunken night of plo, check back in a few days to see whats up and im out.
drunk plo is fun......
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
random (continued) - I know at the very worst im a coin flip but i dont think its worth it this early. The players are horrible and i run super unlucky so i try to keep the luck element out of it as much as possible. So ill take the hellmuth aproach and fold even when im ahead a pretty large amount of the time here. weak sauce
Back to the blogging. I totally forgot to mention that we went to look at some houses yesterday and found a pretty sick place out in southern highlands. Our lease is for our apartment is up at the end of this month and we found what appears to be the perfect house. 2 years old, 4 bdr, 2700 sq ft., really nice gated community, and a pretty sick backyard with pool and hot tub. I really like the Summerlin area but its just kinda too far out there away from the strip and this place is about a 5 minute ride on the highway to the strip opposed to the 25 minutes it took from the apartment. The place is called royal highlands right by south point for anyone familiar with the vegas area. some more higher level thinking from these tourney retards. well played
My buddy chris/sweetness just texted me saying he is going to marry the chick that we ditched at the rhino last week haha. I guess she just texted him saying her favorite animal was a pig which is pretty ironic because she is a pig haha. I accepted his offer of me being the best man in the pig wedding, updates to come....
The one thing that never gets old about traveling in and out mcCarren is overhearing all the people talk about all the money they lost. Such degenerates... I dont think ive ever heard anyone say that they won. I remember one time a guy next to me and i were talking and i had told him that i made like 4k while here and i literally thought he was going to have a heart attack. He just couldnt believe it and then obviously i had to sit there and talk about poker for the whole flight. - bad call i guess. I really thought i was good here...
This thing needs to start moving along my flight leaves in about 25 minutes and there are still 5 players left.
4 left im in 2nd place
some dude just rolled by in a segway holding some hands chick and it was pretty funny because you could tell she was having a hard time keeping up haha.
Seriously underestimated how long this would take.
chipleader now JJ>55 weird i usually lose these about 98% of the time
The plane is boarding haha
chip leader 3 handed
chip lead now heads up and i think the plane mightve left haha.
WINNER WINNER ship the 460 or whatever 1st was.
chasing down my plane. later

Well if you've been wondering where/what ive been doing since my last post i think the picture above pretty much sums it up. The last few weeks have been pretty hectic with a lot of people in town for the W.S.O.P. partying just about every night. Once you combine that with how bad ive been running its turned into a pretty expensive few weeks and equates to the picture shown above. There are a ton of things that have been going on that ive wanted to talk about but i have a lot to do before i fly home tomorrow so im going to give you the cliff notes. Ive dumped quite a bit of money over the past month or so and am really looking forward to taking a mini (week or so) vacation from Vegas. I dont really want to get into specific numbers but lets just say its over 5 figures, insert vomit haha. The really disappointing part of the mini downswing is that a good portion of the money has gone towards partying instead of poker. Which i guess you can look at in 2 different ways. 1) Ive always been really good with money so its nice to be able to spend it every once in a while on fun stuff or, 2) Im an idiot and have nothing to show for the past months festivities other than some pretty interesting stories..... I guess ill say its a combination of both 1 and 2 and hopefully once i reture from michigan, see friends and family, I can return and begin to conquer again.
Poker has continued to go pretty shitty over the past few weeks. It just seems like every time i get it all in, im always ahead and somehow always find a way to lose. I was planning on talking about some hands from the past few weeks but i know once i start ill ramble on here forever about the hands and i kind of want to keep this short. Instead of making this a huge poker post i will save that for when im in the airport tomorrow night. So if you are here specifically for the poker content check back in tomorrow night, the rest of this blog is going to be a brief recap of the past weeks fun. Hmmmmm i really dont even know where to begin.....
I guess ill start off with last monday nights bowling which kind of set the tone for the week. The pocketfives party was the next day on tuesday so a group of us decided to take it easy with some bowling at the gold coast. Obviously once the drinks started flowing the "easy" night quickly escalated to an all night/morning affair. There were a ton of prop bets which i think i broke about even on and was a pretty fun time. Once we started doing shots it was pretty much a gong show from there on out. In usual fashion once you get a large group of poker players together the night quickly shifted from the gold coast over to thee Rhino. Im trying to remember all i can from the night but am coming up with a blank. The last thing i remember is waking up in a hotel room at 5pm at palace station without the rhino girl i had came there with????? fun night imo.
The p5s party was the following day from 7-10 so i pretty much got a few hours of sleep before starting the night all over again. We showed up at hooters around 9 feeling like death but to my suprise once i had a couple drinks i was ready to go again. Unfortunately we missed doyle brunson and whoever else was there before we got there but the sleep was much more important. After the p5s party we had tables at PURE outside on the balcony. After going through about 15 bottles or so here it was now like 4 and everyone obviously headed to the the rhino again. I tried making it an early night(before 10 am) but obviously my buddy who ill keep anonymous (deals in LV) fell completely in love with a stripper and wouldnt let us leave haha, OWNED. A few funny things from the night, Jared superstar "wacokidd" hamby just lighting up a joint at our table at Pure like it was acceptable, unfortunately he got kicked out but somehow was back in within like a half hour haha, baller. Someone puking all over our table and himself, gross.
After another long night and some much needed sleep in a familiar setting i woke up around 9pm for the Cardrunners party at the Rio. I met up with a few people and we headed over to Shannigans or something like that where the party was being held at. Unfortunately i found the party to be pretty lame. There was free booze and stuff but everyone was playing beer pong which i was in no shape to play. I think i stayed here til about 1 or 2 before meeting up and heading over to treasures where our buddy chaz had the hook up. We stayed here until about 5 i think before hitting up some breakfast at the Rio and calling it a night.
After 3 very long nights i was happy to just relax and maybe play some poker thursday night, Wrong. I ended up meeting up with my buddy chris(sweetness) at this bar down the road and before you know it a few drinks turned into many drinks. Which i didnt really mind because it was cheap and i was having a good time just shooting some pool and it was a nice change from the strip club that we always end up at. Sure enough i get a text from kevin"belowabove" saying he just busted from the main event meet us at the Rhino...... sure. So chris and i head over there around 2 or something to meet up with him but not before something pretty funny on the way happened. We pull up at this light and look over to the right where there is this girl who just looks hammered so jokingly we put the window down and tell her to follow us. Sure enough she rips over behind us and is now following us to the rhino haha. Somehow we got lost by the rhino so we were driving around for like a half hour before we finally get there and sure enough she is right behind us the whole way. Unfortunately she looked decent in the car but was a major let down once we got to see her upclose, beer goggles werent in full effect yet. Anyways we help her finish her drink she has which is literally a 7-11 cup full of straight vodka and we start to head into the rhino with her. She tells us her friends ditched her, shes lost, blah blah blah, and she cant wait to come into the strip club with us. Obviously we get up by the door and she tells us she lost her i.d. So we pretty much just tell her she can probably get in(we know theres no way in hell shes getting in without i.d.) and just plan on ditching her at the door which we do. We meet up with Kevin and a few of his friends and continue to drink here til probably like 6 or 7.
So were heading out to get a cab when i look at my car and notice what looks like a note on the windshield. We're immediately thinking damnit this crazy drunk that we ditched did something to my car or somethings up. The note goes something like this " Sorry guys but i didnt feel like waiting for you outside. Im going back to my hotel give me a call later if you want to hang out" hahahaaha. Obviously we immediately call her and she tells us shes driving back to arizona? but is coming back this weekend and wants to hang out haha. weird.
I tried keeping this short by leaving out a lot of stuff but its still getting super long. So im going to finish this up and continue with the rest of the stories tomorrow at the airport. My flights at 9 so check back tomorrow night to finish up on this and im out.
Friday, June 27, 2008
My Head Hurts.....
Last night it was a friends(clay) birthday so we went out and did a tiny bit of celebrating. The night started out with everyone meeting up at Dragonfly around 1030 for a little food and some serious pre drinking. By the time everyone showed up we had a pretty decent group of about 25 to 30 people and a pretty impressive line up of poker minds. There was belowabove, apestyles,kush, wretchy, acerunner, wein, amak,pokerjamers, myself, and some others that im sure im forgetting about. We chilled here drinking/ doing many shots until about 3 (i think) before we were supposed to stick to our original plan and go play beer pong at O'Shea's. Obviously once you get a large group of poker players together the night always seems to end at thee Rhino and instead of beer pong we all headed over to rhino. The drinking carried on here until about 8 this morning before we finally climbed into a cab and called it a night. It just doesnt seem right if you leave the rhino before the sun comes out and thats exactly how the night ended and with the wallet being a little lighter.
Poker has been going pretty well since my last time posting. Ive actually put in a lot of play since last post and had a bunch of winning sessions going on until it came to a screaching hault at the rio on tuesday where i lost about 2k. Other than that session though things have been going well i guess and was able to bring home about 4k or something this week. It wouldve been nice if i didnt drop that 2k but it was all pretty much from 2 hands that i feel i played well but just didnt go my way. Im getting super tired so ill tell you about the 3k pot tomorrow as i dont feel like explaining it now.
On a more serious note a good friend (d. lewis) from back home got in a really bad car accident today so i really hope everythings okay. Im not a very religious person but i will certainly say a prayer tonight for him and his family.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Quick Update.......

The word on the streets is that their are tons of prop bets on winning bracelets including mr. Ivey (aka God) betting everyone at 1.8 to 1 that he will win one for what im sure is a stupidly large sum of money. Which reminds me of these video clips on called "the life of ivey" which is kind of like a daily video diary of him doing random things. Some are pretty boring but theres some where he was stuck a million playing craps at wynn and other degen things like this which is awesome imo. Also rumor has it that he had 2 million......... thats right i said 2 MILLION dollars on the lakers the other night where they got stomped losing to the celtics by like 40 points, it doesnt get much more balla than that.
Poker has been going okay as of late i guess. Ive pretty much given up on the boredom of tournaments and have just been playing the cash games. Online play has been pretty so so. I did put together my longest online session of about 5 hours in a long time and was able to put together a nice profit of around 2.5k or something. I had a bunch of fun hands i wanted to put up here but of course PokerTracker is a piece of shit and keeps giving me errors when i try to use it. So now when i want to post a hand i have to save it while im playing which is super annoying and upload before i quit my session, gay. Yesterday i put in a few more hours 4 tabling the 5/10 and it was a super boring/lame session. Was completely card dead and grinded out a tiny profit of like 300 or something, which for 4 tabling 5/10 is like nothing but its much better than losing so ill take it. After the boring online session i headed to the Rio to check out the 5/10 games. I was actually super card dead there too but was able to book a nice little win of a little under 1.5k. I played for about 5 hours and there were only 2 significant pots i can think of.
Hand 1- 2 limpers utg, i have 56clubs in late position and with the limpers utg i just limp. blinds check and the flop comes down 5 7 8 with the 78 being clubs giving me an open ended straight flush draw, not a bad flop. Utg bets out 30, second limper utg calls, i make it 110, folds around to original better who flat calls, then the 2nd caller gos all-in for about 450 more. I decide to just shove because the original better had only like 900 and he folds. All in guy flopped the straight with 46 which is great for me because every out i thought i would have were still live. Obviously the turn brings the 9 of clubs giving me a straight flush, easy game.
Hand 2- This hand was actually pretty funny. I never like to chop but for some reason the button says ill let u 2 chop so im in the SB and without thinking ask the BB if he chops. He was some foreign dude who was totally clueless of what i was talking about so once the table explains to him what it means he goes" no we play." I hadnt looked at my cards yet but obviously was playing any 2 against this tard heads up but to my suprise i look down at a pretty nice AK of diamonds. He seemed pretty dead set on playing so i decide to limp with the intentions of raising but obviously after being all excited to play he checks behind. Flop comes down AKQ rainbow and i check he bets out 10 into the 20 and i just call. Turn is like a 9, i check again and he bets out 30 this time so i put in a pretty big raise for the size of the pot to 140 to hopefully make him think im full of shit. I mean really i cant have that big of a hand i LIMPED can i??? He SNAP calls saying i call whatever that is before im even done putting out my chips. River is a 4 so im thinking he must have like A10 and isnt folding so i bet out 240 and he calls fairly quickly, easy game. Obviously after the hand was over everyone at the table was laughing and giving him shit saying " see you shouldve chopped" blah blah blah.
I was planning on talking about the other nights drunken festivities and how i somehow ended up at the Wynn eating breakfast with this stripper from Rhino haha????? but this is getting way toooooooooo long so im done. Look over to the right---------------->>> where theres a link to clays blog and u can get a very brief/PG summary of the night there. Im going to head to the rio and get a session in before tonight so check back tomorrow to see how that went and im out.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
"Iron" Mike "classic" moments.....
Ive been pretty busy lately playing poker/partying and havent really had the time to update this thing. Im going to play some pokah at wynn or bellagio for a while but i will update later on sometime tonight for sure. Check back for that and enjoy mikes insanity.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Hand 1- 1 limper utg i make it 45 in mid position with pockets tens, button calls as well as the BB. Flop comes out 10 9 6 rainbow, checks to me and i bet out 120 into the 180. BB calls as well as the utg limper calls pretty quick. Turn is a J checks to me i bet 300 which the bb like beats me into the pot but the 300 puts him all in and the utg limper thinks forever and calls too. River is a 3 which was meaningless and with the bb all in i know the utg limper has like qj so i bet a tiny 180 in hopes he'll make a crying call with his J but he folds. BB flopped the straight with 78off and the utg player said he did indeed have qj, rigged.
Hand 2- I raise from early position to 35 with 97clubs folds around and both of the blinds call. Flop comes great for me with it being 985 with two clubs giving me a straight/flush/straightflush draw. I bet out 60 into the 100 and the bb calls. Turn is a K of hearts he checks again and i bet out 200. He thinks for like 10 seconds and makes a tiny raise to 500 which makes me think he flopped a set or possibly the straight. I contemplated reraising because we were pretty deep but i was about 98% sure he wasnt going anywhere once he made that smallish raise so i just decide to be gay and call in hopes of hitting. River brings a A which obviously completely misses the millions of outs i had and now the BB checks to me???? I pondered the idea of betting like 620 or something on the river but he was definitely the type of player who didnt like to fold so i check behind and he rolls over 89 off for 2 pair, ugh. what can ya do....
Last night my friend nicks birthday and to celebrate his gf got a pretty baller suite at MGM. The suite was pretty nice with an upstairs/downstairs but the real sick part of it all was the balcony. It was an enormous balcony with a jacuzzi over looking the entire strip which was pretty cool. We ended up partying there til the weeeeeeee hours of this morning and im definitely feeling the after effects of it. We are meeting up at Dragonfly for some food/cocktails later and im still undecided on whether or not im going out tonight. A girl friend from back home is in town with some teachers til thursday and we have plans to meet up tonight but as of right now theres no way i feel like going out and repeating last night. I say that now but im sure once a few drinks start flowing ill come around........ Anyways check back tomorrow to see how things turned out and im out.
Monday, June 09, 2008
I couldnt really come up with any title for this short post so ill go with the ............ Played the venetian 550 deepstack tournament yesterday and busted out like 80th or something with it only paying the top 27 out of around 300 or so players, fun times. I really like the structure of these and now that they have made them even deeper stacked than originally planned i definitely will be playing some more of these. We started out with 15,000 chips !!!! The donkament started at noon and i didnt even show up til a little before 2 and i still had like 14k with blinds only 100/200, sick. Im glad we get a lot of play with them being deeper stacked but im more excited about the fact that i dont have to wake up super early at noon and can now stroll in around 2 and still have more than enough chips. The reason i put this video of Ivey straight owning this no namers soul is because this guy to my left was talking up Jamie Gold and about how hes the best bluffer in the game..... right.... Jamie Gold? come on now. I dont really think you can put a title on someone and call them the best bluffer but whenever i hear someone say anything about the greatest bluffs ever this bluff by Ivey immediately comes to mind, such a sicko. How do you 840942-bet a guy with air and then shove on him when hes put like 75% of his stack in, ivey is god.
Alright well i plan on getting up early and getting in a good session somewhere so im going to wrap this up. A buddy of mine (clay) who knows a thing or two about betting soccer has been on fire so far in the Euro Cup (4for 4 so far) and ive been able to ride the coattails of his heater to make a nice little profit of around 1k or so over the past few days. Which reminds me of my killer day at the black jack table the other day haha. I never play black jack or any table games cuz their all a scam but i couldnt just sit and watch so i decided to put a 100 in fully expecting to lose it, wrong. Went on a sick heater and made about 300 all while owning the bj dealers soul, ship it. 300 i know isnt exactly baller but its pretty nice to win when i pretty much went into it thinking im losing the 100 but itll still be fun to play. Also i might be the worst sit n go player ever. Played a 125 sit n go yesterday at caesars while we railed kevins (belowabove) gf in the caesars tournament and i managed to bubble out when i had half the chips in play 4 handed hahahaha, how is that even possible??? I did manage to win the 20 bounty on below while owning his soul so that was fun i guess..... hahaha i still have no clue how its even possible to bubble with the position i was in, i suck. Alright well tomorrow is going to be a long day/night because its a buddies bday who is having a party at some sick suite at MGM tomorrow night so that should be fun. He said it has some enormous balcony overlooking the strip so im assuming it must look something like this Alright im out.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Greatest Game Ever...
Today i put in a decent session for the first time since my last post. I know in my previous post i talked about how i wanted to play a bunch of donkaments this month but with my insomnia its going to be pretty hard to do. Okay, i dont really have insomnia but with my sleep schedule totally out of wack it makes it pretty hard to get up at like 11 to make it down to the strip by noon for tournaments. Today for example i wanted to go play in the venetian deepstack 330 at noon so i went to bed pretty early (2am) last night with the intentions of getting a somewhat decent nights sleep, WRONG. I tossed and turned in bed watching tv until around 7 this morning and there was no chance i was making it to any tourney at noon. Instead i got down to the bellagio around 5 or so for some 5/10 fun, i love the WSOP. The games i was in was filled with tournament retards which made for some pretty easy money and some pretty funny hands/explanations of some horrific plays. NO FOLD EM HOLD EM= Value city imo. I didnt really get tangled up in any big pots but was able to make a little under 1500 in around 5 hours or so. The big game was running 2 tables in bobbys room and there were a ton of big name players around the room, Doyle, eli elezra, tj degen cloutier, kenny tran, david benyamine, sammy farha as well as many others. Im not really the star struck type and ive seen all these guys around town as well as tons of real celebrities before so it wasnt a big deal until i saw thee Tom " DURRR" Dwan. For those not in the poker know he is pretty much the sickest online player killing 200/400 forever and is now crushing what seems like every live tournament he enters. Im not sure what games they were running in there but im sure there was some pretty sick action goin down.
Well tomorrow is game 6 so GO WINGS. Also its wednesday which im sure will include some dragonfly followed by god knows what... Im going to try and get some sleep so i can get in a session live or online before the game starts so check back to see how things go and im out.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Not sure whats up but i woke up today and felt like total shit. As soon as i awoke my whole body was aching for some reason and i seem to have a little bit of a soar throat. Ive been feeling pretty lousy all day but hopefully its just some 24 hour bug or something and will be gone when i wake up. The world series of poker just started a few days ago and ive been getting the itch to donk it up in some tournaments. The wsop events have really shitty structures so i think im going to stay clear of those ones and play some of the other ones in town. Caesars, Venetian, and the Golden Nugget are all offering deepstack tournaments ranging from 200 to 1k all month long so ill probably try to play as many of these as i can tolerate. Binions is also running their mini-world series which i went 1 for 1 in last year when i final tabled the only event i played last year. I think it was a 250 six handed tourney and ill probably play it again this year because there arent many tournaments that offer 6 handed events. I cant even remember the last tournament ive even played live or online but with all the world series buzz in town its given me the itch so we'll see how things go with that.
I was driving down to the strip earlier and thought i was going to get beaten up by some bikers haha. Its funny now but it wouldve sucked if they wouldve kicked my ass. Heres the story-
Theres this side street that runs from our apartment to almost all the way down to the strip so instead of taking the busy/crazy ( Vegas has the worst drivers ive ever seen) main roads i usually just cruise down this side street and avoid all the insanity. Anyways im cruising along going maybe 25-30 approaching a stop sign and these bikers are going about the same speed on the cross road. We are both going at a pace that if they kept going and i kept going it was timed out that we would just run into each other. They didnt have a stop sign but i do so i come up to the stop sign kind of fast i guess but totally see the sign ( i drive this road like everyday) and stop a little before the sign and these guys like slam on their brakes and stop in front of me. Apparently they thought that i didnt see the sign and wasnt going to stop even though i had pretty much stopped before they over dramatically slammed on their brakes and were flipping out. Their like literally 10 feet from my hood stopped in front of me yelling " theirs a fucking stop sign" "asshole" blah blah blah and it took them what seemed like an eternity to finally keep going and move out of the way. I mean these guys were no Hells Angels and more biker wannabes but it still wouldve sucked if they decided they wanted to come fight me cuz i probably wouldve just had to run them over and leave haha. Such over dramatic bikers........ They werent even on harleys either, weak sauce.
Another thing that i want to talk about thats always tilted me but even moreso the past couple of days is Chopping. Chopping is - say you are in the big blind and everyone folds so its just you and the small blind often times people will just "CHOP" instead of playing out the hand. Its up to the players whether or not you want to "chop" but for the most part the majority of people chop, keep in mind though its totally your choice. I prefer not to chop and play out the hand because a)chopping is stupid imo, b) heads up i will out play you, c) the 5/10 games are paying time games.
I guess where im going with this is i cant stand how people FREAK out when you say you prefer not to chop. A guy yesterday went nuts saying i always chop, its common courtesy, blah blah blah.... Then again today i told the guy i dont chop and he gets all bent out of shape complaining about i always chop even with aces and a bunch of other bullshit. Guess what buddy i dont chop so fucking get over it. Its just funny how people get so bent out of shape about people that dont chop and if you say you dont chop they literally dislike you because of it. Another thing about chopping that tilts me more than anything are the people that get all excited and worked up about chopping. It comes to them to chop and their all excited saying the generic donk lines like" i always chop", " I chop even if i have aces" and of course they do the stupid look at each others cards and get all excited if one of them has kj saying i had u crushed blah blah blah. It makes me literally want to bounce their heads off the table haha. Alright well this has turned into one big long rant about nothing so im going to wrap this up and call it a night. Check back tomorrow to see whats up and im out.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Its about poker and is called "what would they do if they werent poker players" and its a bunch of hilarious photos of poker players, definitely worth checking out. Here is my personal favorite where daniel (in the closet) negreanu is a member of the village people hahahaha.

Another funny one

Here are a few of the hands which are pretty self explanatory i guess... -Here i somehow manage dodge a bunch of outs and my queens hold up for a nice little pot of around 2.5k - I would normally fold or raise the A10 offsuit a lot in this spot against good players but i wanted to take a flop against this guy who i felt was a weak player. Reasoning being is that i knew if i were to hit any kind of decent flop the guy would definitely stack off with weak holdings and thats exactly what happened.