Sorry i
couldn't really think of a good title for this so
I'm just going with the ................ . as the title of this post. Its mostly going to be a bunch of random things from the past week so i bare with me. I had a huge post written up a few days ago titled "i hate poker" but it somehow got deleted before i could put it up and there was no way i was going to write it all over again. The lost entry was pretty much a rant about losing 5k in the first few days of the month and about how i think online tournaments are totally rigged but
I'm okay now and
don't hate poker anymore
haha. I want to talk more about how i really do think online tournaments are rigged but i
don't have time right now and i will talk more about it in the next post i promise, its something
I've been meaning to post about for a while. Lets just say i feel my account is doomed when it comes to tournaments and the good tournament players just have lucky accounts. Anyways ill discuss all that in the next post for sure. Other than that i
haven't been playing a ton of poker but have been doing okay and have
grinded back to about even on the month.
don't really know why but
I've had the itch to bet on sports games lately and its been going really good, almost too good. Ive only been betting like 100 or 200 on a game here and there but
I've just been running insanely hot. I think
I've won something crazy like 11 out of the last 12 bets that i have placed over the past week and this even includes a 3 way parlay from the other day. I put 150 on the
Celtics tonight at -6 in the first half against the bulls and they managed to cover by 20 going into halftime
haha, ship the monies. Another game that i absolutely loved was the warriors at -5 against the heat but by the time i got to the
sports book the line had jumped all the way up to -8 and i decided to pass and go with the
Celtics, warriors won by 35
haha, bad beat.
Its about 730
Friday night and
I'm still debating on whether or not i feel like going out tonight. I have no motivation to get off the couch right now and i still feel pretty shitty from last nights festivities. Last night i went from not planning on going out and doing anything to getting bottles, doing shots, and staying out until sometime this morning. I started off with my usual routine of collecting peoples money to pay for my night(aka- playing poker) and doing a some
predrinking at the
Wynn. This went pretty well by me winning a little over 1200 on my very first hand haha.
Quick hand summary- I post after the button and pick AK of clubs, 2 limpers to me and i make it 25 to go, both the blinds and the limpers call, eww. Flop comes J10 8 with 2 clubs, a decent flop but certainly one that hits a ton of hands. everyone checks to me and I decide to bet 75 with the intentions of going all the way if reraised here. small blind calls quickly(putting him on like 109/89) and one of the limpers reraises it 160 more and he only has like 200 more behind. Normally i would reraise here and put him all in but i wanted the small blind to come along too because he had like 700 more so i decide to call and pray he calls as well. Instead once i call the small blind insta shoves all in for like 480 more. The other guy calls off his last 2oo and with how much is in the pot theres no way im folding at this point and i call. turn comes a 7 of clubs giving me the nuts and the river is a 2 of hearts. Small blind had 89 for the turned straight, other guy didnt show, and i win with the nut flush, easy game.
Then i headed over to meet up with over at the
Luxor where a friend(molly) is in town and some of her girlfriends had a table/bottle at LAX. Thursdays are pretty weak at LAX but the table was right on the dance floor and it was a pretty fun time there. After the bottle was gone it was starting to clear out so we decided to head over to Empire and get another bottle. Empire is this sweet after hours club that plays the best techno
I've ever heard but for some reason it was extremely dead last night. Its usually packed every time
I've ever been but i guess last night was just an off night. We chilled here for a a few hours and once the bottle was gone everyone decided it was about time to call it a night. or morning whichever way you look at. I got back and
shouldve passed out but not before i played a little 25/50
haha. I
didn't get too involved but woke up with my stars account 1.5k richer so that was nice. The only thing i really remember from the "session" was talking shit nonstop to "
thegrumpyone" for some reason??
haha oh well.
Alright well this was supposed to be a quick update post but is getting way too long so
I'm going to finish this up. I think
I'm going to head down to the
Wynn here in a while to play some poker and decide whether or not i want to go out. I know
I've been slacking on the updates but
I'm going to start posting a lot more from now on, i mean it this time. I
didn't really get to talk about everything i wanted to so i will post more tomorrow for sure so check back for that and to see how tonight went.