Well im sitting here at the airport in vegas with about an hour and a half to kill so i figured i would donk it up in a few sit n gos and finish my post from yesterday. At least i thought i was, I just registered for a 120 6 handed sit n go and its really choppy for some reason so i think this will be the only one ill play. We've only played about 7 or 8 hands now but a few of the players seem to be totally retarded. Heres a funny hand that just went down as i was typing this.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?2870184 - I know at the very worst im a coin flip but i dont think its worth it this early. The players are horrible and i run super unlucky so i try to keep the luck element out of it as much as possible. So ill take the hellmuth aproach and fold even when im ahead a pretty large amount of the time here. weak sauce
Back to the blogging. I totally forgot to mention that we went to look at some houses yesterday and found a pretty sick place out in southern highlands. Our lease is for our apartment is up at the end of this month and we found what appears to be the perfect house. 2 years old, 4 bdr, 2700 sq ft., really nice gated community, and a pretty sick backyard with pool and hot tub. I really like the Summerlin area but its just kinda too far out there away from the strip and this place is about a 5 minute ride on the highway to the strip opposed to the 25 minutes it took from the apartment. The place is called royal highlands right by south point for anyone familiar with the vegas area.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?2870231- some more higher level thinking from these tourney retards. well played
My buddy chris/sweetness just texted me saying he is going to marry the chick that we ditched at the rhino last week haha. I guess she just texted him saying her favorite animal was a pig which is pretty ironic because she is a pig haha. I accepted his offer of me being the best man in the pig wedding, updates to come....
The one thing that never gets old about traveling in and out mcCarren is overhearing all the people talk about all the money they lost. Such degenerates... I dont think ive ever heard anyone say that they won. I remember one time a guy next to me and i were talking and i had told him that i made like 4k while here and i literally thought he was going to have a heart attack. He just couldnt believe it and then obviously i had to sit there and talk about poker for the whole flight.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?2870335 - bad call i guess. I really thought i was good here...
This thing needs to start moving along my flight leaves in about 25 minutes and there are still 5 players left.
4 left im in 2nd place
some dude just rolled by in a segway holding some hands chick and it was pretty funny because you could tell she was having a hard time keeping up haha.
Seriously underestimated how long this would take.
chipleader now JJ>55 weird i usually lose these about 98% of the time
The plane is boarding haha
chip leader 3 handed
chip lead now heads up and i think the plane mightve left haha.
WINNER WINNER ship the 460 or whatever 1st was.
chasing down my plane. later
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Well if you've been wondering where/what ive been doing since my last post i think the picture above pretty much sums it up. The last few weeks have been pretty hectic with a lot of people in town for the W.S.O.P. partying just about every night. Once you combine that with how bad ive been running its turned into a pretty expensive few weeks and equates to the picture shown above. There are a ton of things that have been going on that ive wanted to talk about but i have a lot to do before i fly home tomorrow so im going to give you the cliff notes. Ive dumped quite a bit of money over the past month or so and am really looking forward to taking a mini (week or so) vacation from Vegas. I dont really want to get into specific numbers but lets just say its over 5 figures, insert vomit haha. The really disappointing part of the mini downswing is that a good portion of the money has gone towards partying instead of poker. Which i guess you can look at in 2 different ways. 1) Ive always been really good with money so its nice to be able to spend it every once in a while on fun stuff or, 2) Im an idiot and have nothing to show for the past months festivities other than some pretty interesting stories..... I guess ill say its a combination of both 1 and 2 and hopefully once i reture from michigan, see friends and family, I can return and begin to conquer again.
Poker has continued to go pretty shitty over the past few weeks. It just seems like every time i get it all in, im always ahead and somehow always find a way to lose. I was planning on talking about some hands from the past few weeks but i know once i start ill ramble on here forever about the hands and i kind of want to keep this short. Instead of making this a huge poker post i will save that for when im in the airport tomorrow night. So if you are here specifically for the poker content check back in tomorrow night, the rest of this blog is going to be a brief recap of the past weeks fun. Hmmmmm i really dont even know where to begin.....
I guess ill start off with last monday nights bowling which kind of set the tone for the week. The pocketfives party was the next day on tuesday so a group of us decided to take it easy with some bowling at the gold coast. Obviously once the drinks started flowing the "easy" night quickly escalated to an all night/morning affair. There were a ton of prop bets which i think i broke about even on and was a pretty fun time. Once we started doing shots it was pretty much a gong show from there on out. In usual fashion once you get a large group of poker players together the night quickly shifted from the gold coast over to thee Rhino. Im trying to remember all i can from the night but am coming up with a blank. The last thing i remember is waking up in a hotel room at 5pm at palace station without the rhino girl i had came there with????? fun night imo.
The p5s party was the following day from 7-10 so i pretty much got a few hours of sleep before starting the night all over again. We showed up at hooters around 9 feeling like death but to my suprise once i had a couple drinks i was ready to go again. Unfortunately we missed doyle brunson and whoever else was there before we got there but the sleep was much more important. After the p5s party we had tables at PURE outside on the balcony. After going through about 15 bottles or so here it was now like 4 and everyone obviously headed to the the rhino again. I tried making it an early night(before 10 am) but obviously my buddy who ill keep anonymous (deals in LV) fell completely in love with a stripper and wouldnt let us leave haha, OWNED. A few funny things from the night, Jared superstar "wacokidd" hamby just lighting up a joint at our table at Pure like it was acceptable, unfortunately he got kicked out but somehow was back in within like a half hour haha, baller. Someone puking all over our table and himself, gross.
After another long night and some much needed sleep in a familiar setting i woke up around 9pm for the Cardrunners party at the Rio. I met up with a few people and we headed over to Shannigans or something like that where the party was being held at. Unfortunately i found the party to be pretty lame. There was free booze and stuff but everyone was playing beer pong which i was in no shape to play. I think i stayed here til about 1 or 2 before meeting up and heading over to treasures where our buddy chaz had the hook up. We stayed here until about 5 i think before hitting up some breakfast at the Rio and calling it a night.
After 3 very long nights i was happy to just relax and maybe play some poker thursday night, Wrong. I ended up meeting up with my buddy chris(sweetness) at this bar down the road and before you know it a few drinks turned into many drinks. Which i didnt really mind because it was cheap and i was having a good time just shooting some pool and it was a nice change from the strip club that we always end up at. Sure enough i get a text from kevin"belowabove" saying he just busted from the main event meet us at the Rhino...... sure. So chris and i head over there around 2 or something to meet up with him but not before something pretty funny on the way happened. We pull up at this light and look over to the right where there is this girl who just looks hammered so jokingly we put the window down and tell her to follow us. Sure enough she rips over behind us and is now following us to the rhino haha. Somehow we got lost by the rhino so we were driving around for like a half hour before we finally get there and sure enough she is right behind us the whole way. Unfortunately she looked decent in the car but was a major let down once we got to see her upclose, beer goggles werent in full effect yet. Anyways we help her finish her drink she has which is literally a 7-11 cup full of straight vodka and we start to head into the rhino with her. She tells us her friends ditched her, shes lost, blah blah blah, and she cant wait to come into the strip club with us. Obviously we get up by the door and she tells us she lost her i.d. So we pretty much just tell her she can probably get in(we know theres no way in hell shes getting in without i.d.) and just plan on ditching her at the door which we do. We meet up with Kevin and a few of his friends and continue to drink here til probably like 6 or 7.
So were heading out to get a cab when i look at my car and notice what looks like a note on the windshield. We're immediately thinking damnit this crazy drunk that we ditched did something to my car or somethings up. The note goes something like this " Sorry guys but i didnt feel like waiting for you outside. Im going back to my hotel give me a call later if you want to hang out" hahahaaha. Obviously we immediately call her and she tells us shes driving back to arizona? but is coming back this weekend and wants to hang out haha. weird.
I tried keeping this short by leaving out a lot of stuff but its still getting super long. So im going to finish this up and continue with the rest of the stories tomorrow at the airport. My flights at 9 so check back tomorrow night to finish up on this and im out.
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