Friday, April 27, 2007

20$ contest...

I am looking for new goal ideas so whoever can come up with the best idea will get 20$. I plan on starting this goal at the beginning of May and i think 3 days should be enough to come up with something. As for goal guidelines I am really up for anything. I did the 40k in 100 days playing cash games so i guess that could be something to build your ideas from. I will choose the winner on May 1st and will send you 20 dollars on your choice of full tilt or pokerstars. Good luck and talk to you on the 1st.


Thursday, April 26, 2007


That is right the goal is officially over. I actually finished it yesterday but was playing pretty late and didn't feel like staying up to make this post. I played for about 6 hours yesterday on full tilt and stars and had a pretty good session. I destroyed the games on full tilt and was doing the same on stars until i ran into a big hand where i got drawn out on and ended up breaking about even. I have had a lot of people asking me what i plan on buying once the goal is over and the answer is............ nothing haha. I have about 10k in student loans so i think i am probably just going to pay that off so i will have absolutely no debt when i move out to Vegas. I know its not the most exciting thing to do with the money but there isn't really anything i need or want at the moment. Plus i figure i might as well start saving up money for crank and midget prostitutes haha. As good as it feels to finish this goal i am already trying to come up with ideas for a new goal to start at the beginning of MAY. Having to post everyday gets kind of monotonous but i really think this goal was good for my game and kept me motivated to play my A game. I am thinking about offering like 20 bucks or something to the person who comes up with the best idea for a new goal so get your best ideas ready. I started playing poker so one day i would be able to pay people to think for me haha. Anyways i hope that this goal has been some what enjoyable for you to read(assuming theres anyone that reads this) and get your best ideas ready for the huge cash giveaway. Here are a few hands from yesterdays session and for now, I'm out. - bad pay off here on the river. I did have him on a heart draw when he called the turn but pretty hard to have him on 62. - here if it was just me and another player in the pot i might think about just calling but with 2 others behind me i have to raise this up. Unfortunately Jenn 415 didn't have a huge hand here. - here i raise with a mediocre hand and hit a nice flop. I might often check behind him here on the turn but i had him on a weak hand like qj and knew i wasn't going to get check raised on my turn bet and if he called i still had a zillion outs. - pretty standard play here -very nice flop for me here. When i just call this flop i am praying for a non diamond to hit the turn. So i check again and once he bets out the 140 i am pretty sure he also has a flush so i decide to raise big in hopes that he thinks i have the A of diamonds. Kind of surprised it didn't get all in on the turn here but the river is a perfect blank card and i just shove. -here i was shocked/worried when we got it all in on the turn when i saw his hand. I was shocked because this guy hadn't really been playing any pots and i had him pinned for AQ and obviously i was worried because he had way more outs than i was expecting to see.
Pstars hands - a pstars special cooler right here. I played the hand perfect as did he but i am just mad because this hand prevented me from having a really big day

Daily total- 3,404.85 (3,610.54 FT) (205.69 stars)

Total needed - 00.0000


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 64/ quick post

Today i didn't quite get to play as long as i wanted to but i was still able to get a good 4 hour session in. I played 3 tables of 5/10nl and was able to finish in the green. I was playing some what aggressive today but the tables really seemed to be playing tight so i was able to pick up a ton of small pots. I don't think i really played any big pots but i will have to go back and look. I am going to play in the most insane .25/.50 cent game tonight so that should be pretty fun. I call it insane because last week there was over 1k in the pot and its very easy for someone to end up 2 or 300 and for a .25/.50 game that is just BONKERS. Anyways that's just a quick summary of my day so here are a few hands from today and I'm out. - here its heads up and i make a losing call mostly to gain some info on what this guy was doing. - i figure he has some type of weak hand so i bet the turn and when he calls I'm sure he has me on high cards. Pretty good river so i over bet it to make it look like a bluff and it works out. - here i think i played this hand pretty poorly. I think if i would've led out like 50 on the flop i would've got maximum value out of the hand. He probably would've re raised then i couldve check raised the turn but i guess ill take it. - biggest pot of the day and it was a pretty nice semi bluff by me. I had actually been playing fairly tight on this table and this guy seemed to be playing pretty ABC poker so i figured i could make a move here. When he min raised the turn i put him on some type of weak mid pair and with my re raise preflop this is the perfect spot to represent a big hand.

Daily total- 593.44

Total needed- 1,392.50


Monday, April 23, 2007

Day 63, what a grind....

Today i was able to put together a nice session of around 4 hours and it was pretty much just a long grind. I didn't really get involved in any big pots so it just seemed like i was grinding out a lot of small hands. It was kind of a roller coaster today because i think i was up then back down about 5 different times until finally finishing in the red. I'm kind of mad that i ended up in the red because i felt i was playing really well but made a pretty marginal call towards the end of my session which took me from having a small profit to having a small loss. Also i hadn't really been paying attention but i looked at my stats and i have been on a pretty good run lately winning about 80% of my sessions over the past few weeks. Anyways I'm starting to get tired so I'm going to wrap this up with a few hands from today and I'm out. Also i plan on putting together a 5+ hour session tomorrow during the day so check back to see how that goes. - unlucky here but i really don't like the way this guy played this hand at all. - here i really felt this aggressive player was making move on me here and i almost re raised but pussied out at the last second. - here i flop a set and when this guy leads out betting i would raise a lot of times but i was almost certain he had some type of weak ace like he did. So i just call and hope that he catches up a little and of course i almost let him hit a straight but i was willing to risk it. - pretty standard here i wasn't completely in love with my hand but felt it was probably good. - The WORST hand of the night. I was playing really well up until this hand. I really don't know why 1. i checked the flop, 2. I just called the turn when i was positive i was ahead, and 3. Paid off the 350 river bet when i was pretty sure i was beat. This guy is a super aggressive player and raises any 2 cards but when he fired that big at the turn i put him on possible clubs and elected to see what the river brought instead of raising. The problem is when the A hits he probably had Ax of clubs and i guess my curiosity took over and i make a pretty bad call.

Daily total- 293.22 pretty disappointing

Total needed- 1985.94


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Longgg week/weekend.....

With the weather starting to get nice and the hockey playoffs i haven't really been able to find that much time for poker. I wanted to play in some tournaments today and maybe some cash games as well but its just to nice out to be sitting at the computer. The red wings are on at 9 so that pretty much means i wont be able to play tonight because i refuse to play anymore when i have been drinking a lot. Its not as though i have lost a lot when i have been drunk its the fact that i know i am not playing my best A game. I wish there was some way to put a Breathalyzer on my computer haha because i know i will be itchin to play later on tonight. I played a super long session today of about 15 minutes. I sat down and immediately wasn't in the mood to be playing so i just quit but not before winning a little bit of money. I think i only played like 2 pots during the time i played but i won them and was able to continue to chip away at the goal. Anyways my roommate just bought some sweet new grill so we are going to go fire that up and drink some beers, GO RED WINGS and I'm out.
These hands are pretty weak but were the only pots i played today.

Daily total- 398.02

Total needed- 1,692.72
