Today i woke up around 4 and immediately knew that i was going to accomplish absolutely nothing. I was still kind of drunk/ feeling weird from the night before so i decided to play in some tournaments because those don't really require much thought haha. I ended up playing in 3 tournaments total and cashed in 2 of them. I played in the 22+re buys, 50+5, and the Wednesday 300+20. I really feel like i shouldve cashed in all 3 of them but i got unlucky in the 22+re buys and wasn't able to cash in this one. I made pretty deep runs in both of the other tourneys but disappointingly finished 18th in the 50+5 for about $360 and busted 61st in the 300 for like $560, another waste of time.
While i was sitting around playing we watched probably the funniest stand up show i have ever seen. If you have on demand watch this show called Katt Williams : Pimp Chronicles and thank me later. Its by far the funniest thing I've seen in the past few years and actually almost had me in tears at one point. Also while i was sitting around we got a knock on the door and sure enough it was my xbox 360, thanks pokerstars haha. Pokerstars hasn't updated their frequent player points store in a while so i decided to waste some points on a Nintendo Wii and this xbox. I really hope they put update their store with some more electronics because I've got like 200,000 points but i have ordered pretty much everything from there. Anyways this is getting pretty long so I'm going to wrap this up with a few pictures so check back tomorrow and I'm out.
Thank you pokerstars
When i opened up the fedex box that this xbox was in this game was floating around in it. Which is pretty cool because i only ordered the xbox and it didnt say anything about any games coming with it so it was a nice suprise. It was also a nice suprise because i got to laugh at adam morrisons porno mustache which i havent seen in a while.