I guess ill throw together a quick poker discussion and finish off that 5/10 heads up story from the other day. As you might remember from my last post i was at red rock, the 2/5 game broke, and me and this older guy decided to play 5/10 heads up. The guy was a pretty cool dude who said he was just there blowing off steam since his real job is betting horses, talk about a stressful job that must be. Anyways he was a decent player but i felt i definitely had a huge advantage in any type of match against him. We ended up playing for about 3-4 hours and i managed to slowly milk about 1.5k on him before we decided to call it a night. I cant really think of any huge/interesting hands so i think it was more of me just slowly chipping him down. Flash Forward to Tuesday night and i go back to the redrock to try and get a 5/10 game going but of course it doesn't. I decide to play some 2/5 for a bit in hopes that the 5/10 will go but no one wanted to play, so I'm about to rack up and head out until the guy from the heads up match walks in and we go for round 2 of the heads up match. It went pretty bad. I don't think i was playing my best but he certainly ran hotter than hot for a heads up match. He was just hitting literally like every single flop and if not he would turn or river me every hand. After the match was over he told me that hes never seen such a rush of cards like that and he was getting hit with the deck the entire time. We played for about 3 hours before it was finally like 4 in the morning and we decided to call it with me being down around 700 or 800, which honestly would've been like 2k but i was able to get away from some big hands. While we were playing a kid around my age decides to hop in the game for about a half hour, no big deal right? Wrong. He was super aggressive and a pretty good player so something comes up about playing online and he tells me his name is " Tsarrast." Not really a big deal other than the fact that he plays the highest games online which are 300/600 nl haha. Overall though i say i held my own picking up probably around 4-500 from him in the short amount of time he was there. Unfortunately after he left the old guy pretty much steamrolled with his heater and i ended up losing around 800 on the night.
Lets see what else is there i want to talk about? Sunday we went out to celebrate a friends birthday with bottles at PURE http://www.purethenightclub.com/. We had comped bottles since half the people we were with including the birthday boy worked there and we had one of the best tables right next to the dance floor. I'm not sure what was up with that night but their was a lot of old people there for some reason and it wasn't all that busy but it was definitely still a good time. After the bottles were gone it was getting pretty dead in there 2 or 3 so we decided to head over to Tryst http://www.trystlasvegas.com/indexFlash.php over at the Wynn. If you come to Vegas Tryst is definitely a must do as far as clubs go. I'm not a huge club person but i would say that tryst is probably my favorite club of all out here. Its just really nice all around and with the weather being nice and the waterfall out there its just really sweet atmosphere. The fact that there are always tons of great looking girls/women there doesn't hurt either haha. Our original plan was just to have a drink or 2 since it was already kind of late and dieing down but somehow the shots started flowing and we didn't end up leaving til right before closing time.
Last night i decided to go out as well and am feeling the effects of it today. It was a friends bday again so we all met up at dragonfly for some great food, sake, and some some drinks. I wanted to post a link but for some reason they don't have a website???? I thought everyone had a website... weird. Its pretty much this smallish/nice sushi place that runs a happy hour from 10-2 am or something silly like that so you get great food, drinks, and shots for very cheap. After getting our drink on we decided that we needed to go see some naked women so we went over to this place http://www.ogvegas.com/ep/club.php called Olympic Gardens where we chilled to the weeeeeeeee hours. I felt pretty shitty today but all in all it was a pretty fun night.
Since my last post its been an awesome time to be a Detroit sports fan. We just had the tigers finally start playing good by sweeping the Yankees in 3 games, the Pistons who finally took care of business by advancing to the next round of the playoffs, and most impressively the Red Wings who just dominated the avalanche by sweeping them in 4 games to advance to the western conference finals. Its been a great week for Detroit teams and hopefully the pistons and red wings can both win championships, that would be really cool. Sports betting has also gone pretty well this week so ill finish up this post with a few pics from the past few days picks and I'm out.
Wings sweep
Boston doin work
Tigers 10/1 to win the world series. Great price since they opened the season at 3/1