This was probably the worst/most boring superbowl i have ever watched, up to the last quarter when it became the best ive ever seen. The game really had everything, a huge underdog, a perfect season on the line, and a game winning play in the last minute of the game. The one thing that was pretty lame this year was the commercials. Usually you can at least run off at least 2 or 3 the next day that you remember/thought were funny but this year there was none. The only commercial i can actually even remember is the pepsi one with Justin timberlake which was pretty dumb too. I decided to make a last minute bet of 500 on the patriots at -12 which obviously was a bad idea. Its pretty funny because i have been riding the giants like the whole 2nd half of the season and the game i decide to bet against them they kill it. I was actually half joking around towards the end of the season saying that the giants would win the superbowl. I also bet on the under of 1.5 rushing yards for tom brady which was a winner so i only ended up losing about 280 altogether which actually shouldve only been 180. I get to the sportsbook a few hours before the game and they have a million things that you can bet on EXCEPT the coin toss. Obviously i wanted to bet on tails and sure enough it ended up being tails FUCK, so i felt like i was stuck 100 before the game even started.
Here is a picture^^^ of my bathroom counter filled with all the medicine ive been taking the past week. Luckily i havent really felt shitty ive just been really congested and have a little bit of a cough. Unfortunately i think i am going to have to go see a doctor though because its been a little over a week now of taking all this^^ stuff and it doesnt seem to be going away. I think mr. jinx might have caught my cold as well because he isnt eating anything and he puked all over my laptop(luckily it was closed) so i probably have to take him to the vet as well, colds suck.
Time to elaborate on my losing 10k comment haha. January started off good with me being up about 8k between live/online by like jan. 10th then it came to a screaching hault. It was as if someone flipped a switch because after the 10th i didnt have another winning session the rest of the month. I wasnt playing bad but i wouldnt say i was playing good, was running horrible, started tilting, and by the end of the month managed to lose my 8k profit and 2k more making for my first losing month in forever, great start to the year right haha. Ive managed to break out of my funk a little bit the past few days online but man what a rough 3 weeks that was and hopefully its over. Ive also had a few winning sessions live the past few times ive played. Im not going to get a ton of live cash game play in this month because the venetian just started their deepstack tournament series yesterday which runs all month. Here is a list of the events . I plan on playing in all/most of the Monday, Wednesday, and thursday events and depending how those go possibly play in some of the sundays as well. I played in the first event yesterday which didnt go to well. I got maybe 4 hours of sleep before the start and really felt like a zombie playing. Also i get there like 20 minutes before the start and there is a huge line so i had to be an alternate which sucks because i didnt even sit down until about 45 minutes into the tournament. I doubled up pretty quick but ran JJ into AA when i had about 14k in chips which i shouldve got away from and then busted out with JJ vs. AK. I definately shouldve got away from the JJ hand but i wasnt exactly playing my A game. Anyways im about to head down and play a little poker so check back later to see how that went and im out.