Well i was hoping being home would be a nice relaxing time without much poker but i was wrong. There really hasnt been much poker but ive sure managed to dump a pretty decent amount in very limited play. Since being home ive played for maybe 4 or 5 hours total and have managed to lose about 7k, fucking sick. Im really glad i dont know how to make those pokertracker graphs because mine would be a straight line down. In my defense about 5.5k of it was from coming home wasted and playing some drunken plo which was probably not the best idea haha. Ive been really good about not playing serious stakes when drunk but i started off just playing some 1/2 heads up against this total idiot who put me on tilt so i followed him to 5/10 and ran like dog shit like the past month now. Im not really sure what my next move is going to be pokerwise. I really dont feel like im playing bad but obviously something isnt going right. I have been running horribly but i cant really put all the blame on that. I might take like a week of just watching cardrunners videos, studying, and just try to clear my head and come back with a fresh start. I cant remember who's blog i was reading but they were talking about how they had too much time on their hands so they would play poker to just pass time instead of really wanting to play and i feel like that might be whats been going on lately. Hopefully after a tiny break i can get things back on track and quit lighting money on fire like the past month or so... This is in no way an "im busto" post haha which is probably what you are thinking reading this. Im still in great shape financially (bankroll management 101) but anytime you lose 20+k in a month it can mess with your mind a bit. aaahhhhhhhh the life of a poker player. STAY IN SCHOOL KIDS HAHA.
Also im not a very superstitious person at all but i swear since i got this fortune cookie fortune at the beginning of my downswing things have just gone awful. I kept it on my desk at home kind of as a joke but i think when i get back to vegas next week i will be lighting it on fire haha.
Other than the few hours of poker Michigan has been great. Its always fun to come home to see family/friends especially this time of year with the beautiful michigan weather. I know people talk about how shitty michigan weather is and for the most part thats true, but there's no better place to be in the summer. Just relaxing outside, bbqing, having some drinks, and hitting up the lake is just awesome. Its always a nice change of from the dress clothes/shoes scene of vegas to just being able to throw on some shorts and sandals and grab some beers. Im heading up to my 2nd favorite city Toronto with my dad on thursday and i cant wait. I really dont know what it is about that city but i just love it there and if i didnt love vegas so much i would strongly consider living there. Ill be back from there friday and hitting up a kid rock concert this weekend so ill try to put a post up sometime after that. Until then here are a few of the hands from that drunken night of plo, check back in a few days to see whats up and im out.
drunk plo is fun......