(click on the pic to actually be able to see it)
Here is my final table from saturday where i once again couldnt finish. I only entered this tournament because it was a new style on pokerstars that i havent seen yet. It was a 4 handed 88 buy in with only 10 minute levels so i knew it would be over quick and i wouldnt have to sit around playing it all day/night. I didnt really feel like playing at all saturday so i entered a few tournaments to just mess around in while i was sitting around watching tv before the night began. As you can see i ended up finishing in 3rd for around 1700 or something which is pretty decent for not really wanting to play and i was also pretty shortstacked from like 45 players on to the final table. Pokerstars had a ton of good tournaments running on sunday but unfortunately I had a very late saturday night(which ill get to in a sec) and wasnt able to play in any of them. Ive only had a few short sessions since my last post 2 live and 1 online which have all been winners. I played earlier online for maybe a half hour and here is the only decent sized pot i was involved in.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?2169380 - what an easy game. flop the nuts get paid. although i was half ready to whip my mouse off the wall once the Ace hit the river but luckily he just had qq.
Saturday night started off pretty standard for me, predrinking/poker because it just feels better spending other peoples money during the night. I finished up the tournament above and had a a few drinks while getting ready to head over to the Hard Rock to meet up with some people. This was my first time going to the hard rock and i have to say its nothing like what i expected, it was actually really cool. They have tons of cool rock memorabilia all over, its much smaller than the other hotels, and they played rock music. We pre drank a little more before going to Body English http://www.bodyenglish.com/ we had tables/bottles waiting for us. Ive heard from a lot of people about how cool this place is and it definately lived up to the hype. It was a lot smaller than the big clubs like Pure, Lax, etc. but i think that almost made it better. Although i think it probably wouldve sucked if we didnt have a table because it was so small/packed but we did so it was a good time. I think we left here around 3(total guess) to go meet up with some friends(hodge and company) who had a table at penthouse http://www.penthouselv.com/ . After this things get a little fuzzy but i do remember getting home around 10 or 11 and trying to stay up until 1:30 to play in the 530 buy in on stars haha. Needless to say i couldnt make it and woke up out on the couch around 3 and went back to bed til about 8 or 9. Im not sure what i was doing on the couch because i never sleep there but i mustve been trying my hardest to stay up for the tourney but just couldnt do it. Oh and I also may or may not be going out this weekend with a girl that works there........ she wants me to call her thursday so ill keep u updated if i decide to man up and call her. Anyways thats pretty much a recap of my weekend so check back tomorrow to see whats new and im out.