November 24- December 1) Home to Michigan for thanksgiving
Pretty self explanatory i guess. Back home to good ole' meeeechigan to see friends and family for thanksgiving that i havent seen in a while before heading out on the 1st.
December 1-17) Traveling around Europe (awesome)
Here is a rough sketch of what our trip is going to look like-
(click on the pic to get a better view)

We fly out of Detroit on the afternoon of the 1st and land in Rome, Italy on the 2nd. We are staying here until the 5th because I've heard from quite a few people that there is tons of stuff to see/do here, (wine,italian girls, the mafia, (insert italian stereotype here), etc...). Next we will travel up towards the Czech for a day(not really sure why other than the fact its kind of a middle point between italy and germany), im sure we'll find something to do..., Next we will probably stop in Germany for a day to maybe check out some beer and some of the old world war stuff(not sure what else there is to do there). After fleeing Germany we will make our way over to Amsterdam (probably for a few days lol) to sight see and really take part in some of the "cultural" activities their city has to offer. After a few days in amsterdam we will clear our heads with a stop in Brussels for a beer and some brats or whatever else there is to do there. After Brussels we will head to cowardly France to check out Paris for a few days and see how rude the french will be to us "ignorant americans." We will leave France and head down to Barcelona, Spain where will be spending the last week of our trip. We are going to the huge/superbowl esque soccer game between Barcelona vs. Real Madrid which should be an awesome time. The tickets were a bit pricey( 500 for a soccer game, i mean really? come on its soccer) but whatever im sure the experience alone is going to be well worth the price. And if not ill be betting a decent amount on the game to make up for it haha. Ive done a little research and it sounds like this game is like the superbowl where theres just 100k (stadium holds 100k) people partying all week long leading up to the game, fun fun. Well thats pretty much the summary of the trip. We are staying in hotels about half the time and hostiles the other half so I WILL be updating this when i get the chance to use the internet and put up tons of pictures along the way.
December 18-21) staying down at the Renaissance Center in detroit with my "friend"
Im not really sure what to call her so ill go with "good friend." We've been going out/hanging about everyday for the past month now and it just so happens she has to be in michigan for a wedding until December 15th. Instead of coming back to vegas shes going to wait until i get home so we can visit for a few days. It will also be pretty cool because believe it or not downtown detroit is actually a lot of fun (bars, restaurants, about every sporting event imaginable, casinos, the occasional murder(and by occasional i mean very often haha, sorry detroit i had to do it), etc..) but just gets such a bad wrap due to the city being in shambles. The redwings also play the sharks that night of the 18th which is perfect because ive been dieing to go to a wings game this season.
December 21-28 possibly 29th) Port Huron for christmas/my birthday
December 29th- ? ) Rounding out the trip in Vegas for new year's. Its going to be a pretty good month coming up and i cant wait to get it started.
Alright well this is getting way too long and im about falling asleep here on my laptop so time to end this. Im probably going to lay down for a while then head out and play some poker either at the wynn or venetian depending on what kind of mood im in. Poker has been going really well with me making a little under 10k in the past week or so but ill tell you all about that in the next post. I have a ton of hands to show you/talk to you about from the past week so ill probably update this tomorrow night. Seriously this time though i am going to start updating this on a much more frequent schedule then how its been lately. How about this? For now on if i go over a week without updating this i will give the First 5 people who call me out on it 10 dollars on pokerstars. All you have to do is give your name/city on pokerstars and the 10 is yours.
We need some updates bro. Have a safe trip and post pics if you can. I'm just one of your blog fans.
Gsutiger07 on stars ( Las Vegas)
P.S. Do you know if Lvpokerdealer is ever going to update his blog.
Popperhead on stars please and update this thing Great read every time
Popperhead (Toronto)
Gsutiger your name doesnt work on stars.... Lemme know whats up and ill send it later
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