The word on the streets is that their are tons of prop bets on winning bracelets including mr. Ivey (aka God) betting everyone at 1.8 to 1 that he will win one for what im sure is a stupidly large sum of money. Which reminds me of these video clips on Pokerroad.com called "the life of ivey" which is kind of like a daily video diary of him doing random things. Some are pretty boring but theres some where he was stuck a million playing craps at wynn and other degen things like this which is awesome imo. Also rumor has it that he had 2 million......... thats right i said 2 MILLION dollars on the lakers the other night where they got stomped losing to the celtics by like 40 points, it doesnt get much more balla than that.
Poker has been going okay as of late i guess. Ive pretty much given up on the boredom of tournaments and have just been playing the cash games. Online play has been pretty so so. I did put together my longest online session of about 5 hours in a long time and was able to put together a nice profit of around 2.5k or something. I had a bunch of fun hands i wanted to put up here but of course PokerTracker is a piece of shit and keeps giving me errors when i try to use it. So now when i want to post a hand i have to save it while im playing which is super annoying and upload before i quit my session, gay. Yesterday i put in a few more hours 4 tabling the 5/10 and it was a super boring/lame session. Was completely card dead and grinded out a tiny profit of like 300 or something, which for 4 tabling 5/10 is like nothing but its much better than losing so ill take it. After the boring online session i headed to the Rio to check out the 5/10 games. I was actually super card dead there too but was able to book a nice little win of a little under 1.5k. I played for about 5 hours and there were only 2 significant pots i can think of.
Hand 1- 2 limpers utg, i have 56clubs in late position and with the limpers utg i just limp. blinds check and the flop comes down 5 7 8 with the 78 being clubs giving me an open ended straight flush draw, not a bad flop. Utg bets out 30, second limper utg calls, i make it 110, folds around to original better who flat calls, then the 2nd caller gos all-in for about 450 more. I decide to just shove because the original better had only like 900 and he folds. All in guy flopped the straight with 46 which is great for me because every out i thought i would have were still live. Obviously the turn brings the 9 of clubs giving me a straight flush, easy game.
Hand 2- This hand was actually pretty funny. I never like to chop but for some reason the button says ill let u 2 chop so im in the SB and without thinking ask the BB if he chops. He was some foreign dude who was totally clueless of what i was talking about so once the table explains to him what it means he goes" no we play." I hadnt looked at my cards yet but obviously was playing any 2 against this tard heads up but to my suprise i look down at a pretty nice AK of diamonds. He seemed pretty dead set on playing so i decide to limp with the intentions of raising but obviously after being all excited to play he checks behind. Flop comes down AKQ rainbow and i check he bets out 10 into the 20 and i just call. Turn is like a 9, i check again and he bets out 30 this time so i put in a pretty big raise for the size of the pot to 140 to hopefully make him think im full of shit. I mean really i cant have that big of a hand i LIMPED can i??? He SNAP calls saying i call whatever that is before im even done putting out my chips. River is a 4 so im thinking he must have like A10 and isnt folding so i bet out 240 and he calls fairly quickly, easy game. Obviously after the hand was over everyone at the table was laughing and giving him shit saying " see you shouldve chopped" blah blah blah.
I was planning on talking about the other nights drunken festivities and how i somehow ended up at the Wynn eating breakfast with this stripper from Rhino haha????? but this is getting way toooooooooo long so im done. Look over to the right---------------->>> where theres a link to clays blog and u can get a very brief/PG summary of the night there. Im going to head to the rio and get a session in before tonight so check back tomorrow to see how that went and im out.
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