I was playing some 2/5 nl at the Wynn a few days ago when former nba "great" (notice the quotation marks around great ha) Chris Mills and Mekhi Phifer came and sat at my table. Normally this would be a good thing since mekhi bought in for like 2k and mills for a little over 200k (yeah i said 200k in a 2/5 game) but i had already been playing for like 7 or 8 hours and was pretty tired. It was pretty late and dead when they sat down but mekhi still had fans coming up like every 10 minutes or so to tell him what big fans they are, not so much for chris mills. I think mekhi had a decent buzz going because he was just super laid back just playing like tight abc poker and laughing at everything. Chris mills on the other hand was very loud and playing like every pot regardless of how much it was pre but i suprisingly he was actually a pretty decent player from what i saw. All in all it was a pretty fun table with them there and for some odd reason CM called everyone KatDaddy which was pretty funny because mekhi would giggle like a school girl everytime he said anything. Unfortunately i was super tired when they got there so i left the game stuck like a little under 300 which sucks but i was actually down like 1100 earlier in the day so it wasnt too bad. Obviously im still running what is becoming normal i guess, Horribly. Got it in with QQ vs. Ak for like a 900 pot obvious A on the flop. Then get it in with 57hh on a board of K57 against this clown with QQ for like a 1k pot, ill let u take a wild guess what the river was......... Queen. Pretty standard for me.
I was planning on waiting to update this tomorrow but im laying in bed and cant sleep so i figured i would write a little something up. I only got like 5-6 hours of sleep last night too so im not sure why im wide awake. Speaking of last night, it turned out to be a pretty adventurous tuesday night. We started off around 10 grabbing some food at this bar down the road called kopper keg. Which was supposed to be just kind of a relaxing night of grabbing some dinner and having a few drinks quickly escalated into a gong show. There was a pool table there so instead of playing for money we decided the loser had to buy shots after each game. Obviously i totally dominated winning 3 of 4 games and after the 4th jaigerbomb we headed over to meet up with some peoples at the good ol Dragonfly. We chilled here for a bit having a few more drinks and shots before heading over to the infamous Olympic Gardens. It was probably around 2 by the time we arrived and it was super dead but they let us in for free so we just decided to stay here. It was starting to get late so we decided to head out of here and head home but not before making a few pit stops haha. Im not sure how or why but we decided to stop at the Peppermill http://www.peppermilllasvegas.com/ for a scorpion race haha. A scorpion is their house drink which is pretty much a huge glass literally the size of a soccerball that is filled with like 8 shots and a bunch of fruit and juice. So after racing these down we decided to stop at penthouse since it is right on the way home haha. Also we get free admission and drinks so its kind of hard to pass up free drinks and naked girls when drunk. Anyways this is getting way too long so im going to attempt to get some shut eye. Im getting up pretty early (like 1) to get my vegas I.D., move some couches into our house that we are getting for free(thanks clay) and i also have to go apply for my passport. I am going to Spain in december but ill tell you all about it in tomorrows post, im out.
1 comment:
are you gay?
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