Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Getting excited for Vegas.

With the world series starting June 1st it is completely nuts out there right now and I wish i was there. I am going out there on the 20th for like 5 days to play in a few of the no limit events. There is a nl 1500 tourney the 21st and another 1500 nl tourney on the 23rd which I'm playing in for sure but still don't know about the 21st. I just think with the time change and it being our first night there it is going to be impossible to wake up by noon. I'm not really a tournament player but figure what the hell i might as well win a tournament while im out there haha. I was out there last year during the wsop and the cash games are absolutely sick, i cant wait. My 2 friends (billy t and hodge for those who know me) that I'm going to be living with when i move out there at the end of July just moved out there Sunday. We will be looking at places while i am out there and i hope we can find something nice close to the strip and possibly sign a lease. I guess once i win the tournament on the 23rd ill probably just have to buy a house and stay for a little longer than the 5 days. As for poker today i only played for about an hour. I played some 3/6 pot limit omaha and some 5/10 H.o.r.s.e on stars today with a little success and one big mistake. I really think that when i play omaha i need to be totally focused on the table I'm on or i will play shitty. Well today i figured it would be a good idea to play omaha while playing horse and a tournament at the same time, not a good idea. I still ended up winning but lost a huge pot when i thought i had the nuts but didn't and it was due to me not paying attention. This makes me mad because i never make mistakes like these and when I'm playing omaha i should not be playing 3 completely different games at the same time. I bought a new program today that shows my omaha hands so i can put those up on the site now along with the nl hands. Anyways I've been slacking the past few days on my play so I'm going to try and get a good 5+ hour session in tomorrow. So check back tomorrow night to see how that went and I'm out. - i didn't really want to discuss any of these but this one needs to be explained. I make my standard raise preflop get a few callers and the short stack in the BB pushes in for 70 more. There is a good amount of money in there already and i don't mind my hand being up against an over pair. So i decide to re raise and try to isolate the all in player so we are heads up. Instead the guy who was behind me pushes all in for around 200 more so now its 200 to win around 850. I obviously didn't want to put this much money in preflop with this hand but theres no way i can fold for the 200 more in this spot. - here is the hand that i WAS mad about. I simply made a rookie error by mis reading the board and thinking i had the nut flush. That really pisses me off because i cant even recall the last time i did something like this. But looking back at the hand history i think we probably get it all in anyways so i think it still would've been the same result.

Daily total- 903.84

Bodog bankroll- 4755.28 ( didn't play today)


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