Thursday, April 26, 2007


That is right the goal is officially over. I actually finished it yesterday but was playing pretty late and didn't feel like staying up to make this post. I played for about 6 hours yesterday on full tilt and stars and had a pretty good session. I destroyed the games on full tilt and was doing the same on stars until i ran into a big hand where i got drawn out on and ended up breaking about even. I have had a lot of people asking me what i plan on buying once the goal is over and the answer is............ nothing haha. I have about 10k in student loans so i think i am probably just going to pay that off so i will have absolutely no debt when i move out to Vegas. I know its not the most exciting thing to do with the money but there isn't really anything i need or want at the moment. Plus i figure i might as well start saving up money for crank and midget prostitutes haha. As good as it feels to finish this goal i am already trying to come up with ideas for a new goal to start at the beginning of MAY. Having to post everyday gets kind of monotonous but i really think this goal was good for my game and kept me motivated to play my A game. I am thinking about offering like 20 bucks or something to the person who comes up with the best idea for a new goal so get your best ideas ready. I started playing poker so one day i would be able to pay people to think for me haha. Anyways i hope that this goal has been some what enjoyable for you to read(assuming theres anyone that reads this) and get your best ideas ready for the huge cash giveaway. Here are a few hands from yesterdays session and for now, I'm out. - bad pay off here on the river. I did have him on a heart draw when he called the turn but pretty hard to have him on 62. - here if it was just me and another player in the pot i might think about just calling but with 2 others behind me i have to raise this up. Unfortunately Jenn 415 didn't have a huge hand here. - here i raise with a mediocre hand and hit a nice flop. I might often check behind him here on the turn but i had him on a weak hand like qj and knew i wasn't going to get check raised on my turn bet and if he called i still had a zillion outs. - pretty standard play here -very nice flop for me here. When i just call this flop i am praying for a non diamond to hit the turn. So i check again and once he bets out the 140 i am pretty sure he also has a flush so i decide to raise big in hopes that he thinks i have the A of diamonds. Kind of surprised it didn't get all in on the turn here but the river is a perfect blank card and i just shove. -here i was shocked/worried when we got it all in on the turn when i saw his hand. I was shocked because this guy hadn't really been playing any pots and i had him pinned for AQ and obviously i was worried because he had way more outs than i was expecting to see.
Pstars hands - a pstars special cooler right here. I played the hand perfect as did he but i am just mad because this hand prevented me from having a really big day

Daily total- 3,404.85 (3,610.54 FT) (205.69 stars)

Total needed - 00.0000


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