Sunday, February 25, 2007

Day 39... I played amazing and ended up down 1k, I love Full Tilt.

This post was from my play on Friday but by the time i was done i didn't feel like doing it so i will now. I played for about 3 hours Friday only playing on full tilt and i put up some pretty good numbers until i got raped. I played 3 tables on fulltilt(2,5/10nl and a 3/6nl) and i was playing pretty good. I was picking off peoples bluffs, picking up a lot of pots, and just really seemed like i couldn't do anything wrong, i was in the zone. But you might have just noticed how i said i was playing good until i got raped and i will tell you all about that in a second. When i quit my 3 hour session of playing the 5/10 and 3/6 i was up about 2400 and was done for the day with a nice profit, i thought i was done. So after drinking for a while we are about to go to the bar and i had like 10 minutes to kill so i decide that i am going to sit at 25/50 and just steal some blinds to make a few hundred more. After a few minutes of this i was up like 200 and we hadn't had a hand go to the flop yet until i picked up KK. I was about to just quit until i pick up KK and i manage to double up for 5k, so after this i cant just get up and leave because now I'm free rolling and still have a few minutes til we leave. He grinds a little of his money back and then the sickest pot of the night came up which obviously i lost. Anyways long story short i went from being up 2400 on the day to being down about 1k in the matter of about 10 minutes. It does suck knowing all my "hard" work from earlier was now cancelled out but i played the hands perfect and of course in true Full Tilt fashion got sucked out on. I didn't play at all on Saturday because i was pretty hung over but i am going to play in a few of the big tournaments today and hopefully get something going in them. With that being said here are some hands from Friday's play, check back later to see how i did today, and I'm out.

Hands from when i was up. - I had people trying to bluff at me all day and heres another. - I thought i mightve had the best hand but i dont know what i do if he fires like 300 or something on the river. - pretty sure once he bets the river i am beat but 4 handed i have a big hand and i pick up information by calling. - This guy had to be getting sick of me because this was like the 3rd bluff i had caught him in with another mediocre hand. - same guy again. - I dont know why everyone was bluffing at me so much but i just kept picking them off. pretty easy to do though with the nuts haha.

Now the 2 hands that took me from 2400 up to - 1k - my hand holds up.......... weird - just me getting sucked out on the river by a 4 outer for 13k haha. This was pretty sick i inst-called him once he pushed the flop and when they turned up the cards it was like i knew i had already lost before the river. So in true full tilt fashion i get it all in as a big favorite and lose once again, unfortunately it was at the worst possible time.

Daily total- 1042.94 (friday)

Total needed- 17,856.17


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