Unfortunately i was already down 3,000 hahaha. I played the longest live session i have played in a long time of about 9 hours and it was a pretty wild day. Im calling it a pretty wild day because i had some pretty big swings for playing 5/10 and even though i lost 300 i really feel like i won. I started off at the wynn where the game was decent but after all was said and done i was down about 1200. There was this idiot asian guy who kept going all in for like 5k into like 100 dollar pots haha. I was just praying that i would be lucky enough to pick something up against him but no luck. I did however get into a pretty interesting pot with him...
Hand- Theres a straddle so it folds to me in middle position with AJ of spades and i make it 60 to go. Folds all the way around to the wild asian guy who calls and the BB calls.
Flop- K 4 2 with 2 spades
asian dude makes a small bet of 60, bb folds, and i reraise it up to 220 total, HE SNAP CALLS.
Turn brings a 5 (non spade) so i now have the nut flush draw with a straight draw. Asian dude checks to me and i bet out 410 and he INSTA calls, like he literally almost beat me into the pot when i bet. So the river comes down a 3 (non spade) making the board......
Final Board- K 2 3 4 5
I obviously missed my flush like usual but make the straight and as soon as the 3 comes out the asian dude SHOVES ALL IN, sick. He has like 5k or something covering me. Im sitting with about 2500 more on the river so i decide to throw up in my mouth a little bit before finally folding. I know it sounds like a pretty easy fold but i just couldnt put him on any kind of hand that would have a 6 in it. Wrong, after i fold he shows K 6 of spades...... Wouldve been nice to have a spade come off on the river cuz i know he wouldve shoved but instead i LOSE.
After a few hours the game started to get pretty shitty so i decided to leave the Wynn stuck around 1200 and head over to the Bellagio. I absolutely hate the bellagio poker room but the games have been pretty good/super soft lately so ive been going there quite a bit. This was really where the rollercoaster began. I was already down 1200 from the wynn and within maybe 20 minutes of sitting im back to even when i hit a set of 2's against some dudes KK and stacked him because no one can fold anything in the bellagio games. After about an hour or hour and a half im up almost 1k before shit hits the fan. I went from up around 1k to down almost 3k in the matter of about 3 hours! Those are some huge swings for that game and that short period of time but i just kept running into hands i couldnt really get away from. Set over set, K high flush vs A high flush, getting drawn out on a ton, and me bluffing off a little over 1,000 with 6 high haha. I could feel myself starting to tilt a bit but instead of just leaving and calling it a day i just took like a 5 minute break to cool down. I guess ill share the 6 high bluff before i go onto how i started steamrolling my way back to actually back up a few hundred.
The Bluff- I had been very active at the table but it was great because i would raise a lot of hands but no one would reraise me or really show any kind of resistance at all so i was basically dictating (i think thats a word)all the action.
I pick up 56 of clubs utg and come in for my standard raise to 35 and get 3 callers.
The FLOP- J 7 4 (rainbow) great flop giving me an open ended straight
I thought about going for a check raise but instead decided to lead out for 100 and get 2 callers. These arent your regular 2 callers though because these 2 players were in like every pot and calling down with anything. The TURN is a 4 making the board J 7 44 which i feel is a pretty card to bet with so i make it 280 and the this old donk calls and the other idiot reluctantly folds.
the RIVER- is a Q making the final board J 7 44 Q leaving me with 6 high and in a tough spot
I really felt like he just had some shitty J so i fire another shot on the river of 480 and he only had around 700 total at this point. He thinks forever and i think im going to get away with it until he donks it up and says" well if you got it you got it, im all in" Which wasnt exactly music to my ears because i now had to fold to his 200 dollar raise into the close to 2k pot haha. After i muck he shows his QJ off haha, such retards.
Looking back i like the play but i just dont like the timing. I broke my number one rule in poker and that is DONT try to bluff old people. I really feel i get away with it a ton against anyone with a clue but i tried to bluff an old calling station donk and thats just impossible to do.
Shortly after this bluff i was stuck around 3k and almost decided to just go home because i could feel myself tilting but theres just no way i could leave that game no matter how bad i was playing. The game was so weak i knew it was only a matter of time before i would get things going as i had it all pretty much set up.
At this point i had a great image set up and was gettting called down with anything so as long as i could pick up some hands i could value bet all day which is what i did. I finally picked up a few hands that actually held up and was just getting paid off huge. I was able to go from down the 3k to up a few hundred before finally calling it a night down 300.
There was one more hand i wanted to talk about but im getting pretty tired so im going to give u a quick summary. I raise 99 in early position and get 3 callers including both blinds. Flop i 10 5 3 with 2 clubs. I lead out for 90 into the 140 pot and it folds all the way around to the BB who is thinking forever before calling. Turn is another 5 so he checks to me and i know he has some shitty 10 so i make it 210. He sits and thinks forever before finally calling and the river brings a 7 of clubs bringing the flush out there. He thinks for a while then bets out 150?? This guy was super tight and i thought forever about popping it up to like 600 but pussied out and decided to just shut down and fold. He then shows me his 10 7 haha, how horrible is that? He calls down with just the 10, the flush gets there, the board is paired so if i have an over pair he is beat and im never folding, and yet he leads for 150 hahahhhaha, such retards. I was pretty mad at myself afterwards, not because i lost the pot, but the fact that i think i backed out from raising it to 600 on the river because i was content with losing the 300 on the day and didnt want to lose more.... so i pretty much talked myself out of making what wouldve probalby taken the pot down but who knows he mightve called anyways........... Anyways im exhausted so im going to bed and check back tomorrow to see how the day went and im out.
Monday, May 19, 2008
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thanks but i have a feeling you didnt read any of the posts at all if you think im a tourney player haha. Either way ill check out your site i guess....
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