The weather has just started to get really nice here in vegas and of course im going back to cold michigan haha. My flight is tomorrow morning at around 945(gross) and im still not sure when i will be coming back. I bought a one way ticket because it was cheaper and i really dont know when im going to want to leave. It will most likely be sometime next week like tues or weds, or i will stick around for easter and be back next monday. Im arriving in michigan around 445 tomorrow and am going straight from the airport to Joe Louis arena to watch the red wings. Ive wanted to go to a game all season but they were always out of town when ive been home this year so im really looking forward to it. The seats i got are pretty shitty because it was kind of a last minute idea but it should be a good game because they are playing Dallas who is pretty good.
Its around 1:00a.m. here and i really have no idea how i plan on getting up in a few hours. After last nights mess i dont think im going to be able to fall asleep tonight without taking a sleeping pill. I would like to just stay up but like i said im getting picked up at the airport and we're going straight to the game so i dont want to be a zombie all day tomorrow and i cant sleep on planes. Anyways back to last nights adventure..... I start getting ready and have a few beers before we all meetup at DragonFly around 10pm for some food, drinks, and bottles of sake. Im just about to walk out the door and receive a text from clay saying that hes picking up a special suprise guest and not to go there until 10:30. So now im already with nothing to do for the next half hour so i decide to have a few more beers and own some fools online real quick. I played some 10/20 and 5/10 for about 20 minutes and made a quick 2.5k, a decent start to the night. I arrive at dragonfly a little after 10:30 to the usual entourage of clay, john(chatter), ace, and the 2 special guests of the night who were Belowabove and the Wacokidd. For any of my non poker friends these are two of the top online tournament players in the world and are probably the definition of balling haha by poker standards. I dont really feel like introducing them anymore but im sure if you yahooed or googled their names a zillion things would probably come up. Anyways we chilled here for quite a while (until around 2 or 3)killing drinks and bottles of sake (Aka- kool-aid) until we decided it was time to head over to the RHINO, oh boy haha. Ive heard many stories about this the rhino and its considered the top strip club in vegas and i had never been here before so i was interested in seeing what all the fuss was about. It lived up to the hype but in the end its still just a strip club but i would definately say it was probably the best one ive been to. There are like a million girls and they all look amazing which at any other strip club there might be like 1 or 2 that are amazing but here they all are. We had a pretty big group with us so it took a minute for us to get a table but once we did it was on. The drinks and shots continued to flow and it was a pretty fun night. We ended up chilling here until the sun was out so im assuming it was probalby around 9 so by the time we finally called it a night. good times.... I got back to the apartment this morning and instead of passing out like a normal person i take a look to see if there were any good games to bet on. The only game that i liked was the houston rockets at- 5 against the hawks so i (stupidly) drive down to the redrock to throw 500 on it. My hot streak of betting continues as they end up winning by 8. Anyways the sleeping pill is kicking in here so im out and check back in a few days to see how Meeechigan is going.
Ship the 500- (dont know why this came out so blurry)
1 comment:
Victory in Motown against a good opponent. Nice to see after the face plant that was the past 40 or so days. I made it to the Joe last month vs the Ducks for the first time in a couple years. Always seem to see them on the road (which is like mini home games with the Red Army). Always fun in Hockeytown where the goals are announced 'old school'.
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