Im not really a north carolina fan but they are quickly becoming my favorite team haha. As you can see i bet pretty big on them again this game and they were able to make me some more money. Im not sure if i will be betting anymore games for the tourney but if i do i will keep you updated.
Ive only been back in town here in vegas since tuesday but it feels as though ive been here for like a month. I returned on Monday night kind of tired but decided i to go out for a while anyways, little did i know that the while would end up being until 7-8 in the morning. We went to dragonfly for a while to predrink then ended up heading over to the Rhino til the weeeeeee hours of the morning. Im not positive but i honestly think we mustve done at least like 15 shots over the course of the night which led to me and my wallet feeling pretty shitty the next day. I took a day off before going out again on thursday night. We once again went to dragonfly for some predrinking before heading over to LAX around 1 or so where my buddys friend had a table/bottle. There was some bikini contest or something going on there that night so it was completely packed and had a huge line outside, luckily we were able to bypass all that nonsense and were able to get in after a few minutes. As we were heading in to the table Chuck"iceman" Liddell walked right by us, not sure why im telling you about this but its one of the things i remember while being there. There was also this dude there doing some magic tricks at the table that were pretty amazing to watch, it was like watching david blaine or something but i could see it with my own eyes instead on tv and im still pretty amazed at some of the stuff he did. We ended up staying here til probably 3 or so before it started to clear out kind of so obviously we went to the strip club Penthouse. Im not really a huge strip club person but somehow ive found myself at them an unusually high amount lately which equates to some expensive nights. We chilled here for quite a while before finally heading home some time in the morning, but not before going to palace station to bet on thurs. N. carolina game. I was really feeling the effects the next day from the night before so just laid on the couch all day and watched nc make me the monies.
My buddy (d. lewis) was staying with us for the weekend so as much as i didnt really feel like going out i kind of had to. I picked him up from the airport and we headed straight to caesars to watch michigan state get completely beaten down by memphis. We continued to predrink here for a while until we met up some peeps and went to studio54 where we had a table. We didnt get there until probably around 2 or a little later so it was kind of dead unfortunately. The 5 of us put the bottle down pretty quickly and since it was so dead we decided to get out of there and head to.................... where else but the strip club haha. My roommate( hodge) pulled some strings and was able to get us a free bottle at scores so we ended up chilling here until sometime in the morning before heading home but not before we headed to palace station again so i could bet on NC again haha. The tickets at the top are from this morning and it was great because the guy behind the counter was actually telling me Louisville was going to win and apparently i started talking some shit to him and almost wasnt allowed to place the bets. The great part was cashing the tickets later in the day from the same guy rick pitino superfan #1. Last night we ended up just playing some cards at mandalay bay and planned on just taking it easy but that didnt really work as we sat there and drank until sometime this morning. Anyways thats pretty much what ive been up to since coming back to vegas. I havent played barely any cards since like before i went back to michigan so im going to try and get in a lot of play this week. Im supposed to go out to Pure tonight but im pretty wiped out from the weekend and i really want to feel good tomorrow so i can play some poker, still undecided as i type this as to what im going to do so we'll see...... Anyways thats my past week in a nutshell so check back tomorrow to see how poker went or if what kind of shenanigans i get into if i decide to go out tongiht. Im out.
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