Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Quick update....

Its been 2 weeks now since i planned on starting my goal and i still haven't started yet. It was just kind of hard to do when people are in town visiting but they are gone now and i still feel like i can lose 5 pounds by the end of the month. Tomorrow is the official beginning to the goal and i mean it this time haha. We had a friend who was supposed to move out here with us at the end of this week but we haven't talked to him in 2 weeks so who knows whats going on with that. He already paid us for rent and now hes just fallen off the face of the earth. As I'm typing this there is a huge fight or something going on in the apartment directly below us. All our neighbors are super quiet but i don't know whats going on down there but it doesn't sound good. All i can hear is screaming and a bunch of banging around. If we got the cops called on us for playing video games I'm sure someone will call them over this. I think i mightve forgot to mention us getting the cops called on us so here goes.

During like the first month i moved out here bill,hodge, and i were drinking and decided to play some video games. I had just bought Fifa 08 for ps3 and we decided to play it online against some other fools. Now this was probably around 3 or 4 in the morning and it was still nice out so we forgot that we had the windows open. The games were pretty close so we were screaming and yelling at the TV and next thing you know a cop shows up at the door haha. My buddy answers the door and the cop says he is here for the domestic dispute haha. Buddy tells him no we are just in here playing video games and he was still like"are u sure theres nothing going on in here?" so we tell him to look in the door and see for himself that we are playing games. He popped his head around the corner to take a look and the very first thing he says is "cool is that HD" haha. He was like blown away with the ps3 hd that he seriously wouldn't leave haha. He just sat at the door watching the TV and kept asking us all these questions about the ps3 and hd for about 5 minutes, almost to the point where it was uncomfortable. I think he was waiting for us to ask him to play or something haha. We were so into the game that we got the cops called on us haha, EXTREME!. Its funny because we aren't gamers at all, i have a ps3,xbox 360, and a Wii and all together they probably get used about 5 hours a month. Although i just hooked up the xbox online yesterday and played call of duty 4 for a while. This game is awesome but the gamer nerds online are so good and i suck so bad that its almost unenjoyable because i just get killed like every 2 seconds.

I really haven't been getting in much poker this year either. Ive played a few live 5/10 sessions with minimal results and put in a nice online session yesterday. I played a bunch of 10/20nl and some 3/6 and 5/10 omaha. The 10/20 games were pretty soft but I'm not going to lie i got pretty lucky in a few hands, i guess if you call flopping sets lucky. I guess now that i look back over my hands from the session i wasn't too lucky i just didn't run bad like usual. Although i did pick up KK vs. AA and then a set over set and managed to lose only 450 total! To pick up those huge hands in a 10/20 game and only lose 450 between the two of them is amazing. Here are the hands-

http://www.pokerhand.org/?1945295- This guy hadn't played a hand the whole time i was there and as soon as he re raised the first guys bet i instantly got this feeling he had an enormous hand. I pick up kings in the small blind and lose the bare minimum. He even falls for the blocking bet on the river. I guess i couldve folded the turn????? haha how sick would that have been.

http://www.pokerhand.org/?1945305 - Same guy as the above hand and another set up where I'm supposed to go broke. He raises it up, i just call with my 10s and i flop a set of 10s, now this is great right? WRONG. I elect to just call the flop because with how tight he is I'm putting him on a big hand again. I am 100% sure that if he has aces or ak he would check and the only hand he will bet again on the turn is a higher set. So a blank hits the turn, he leads out again, and once again i lose the bare minimum on a huge set up hand, he shows his set of kings right after i fold. I told him i had a set of 10s and he wouldn't believe me haha. Ive never been so happy losing 500 but i easily couldve lost a lot more or possibly gone broke in both hands. I'm good haha.

This is getting way too long so I'm just going to put up some more hands and I'm out.

http://www.pokerhand.org/?1945339- this is usually where an 8 is supposed to come
http://www.pokerhand.org/?1945326- back to my usual luck




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