Well now that its the new year every ones got their resolutions and i thought of a few for myself for 08'. Ive had this same resolution now i think for about 5 years in a row but this year i am going to make it happen. Drum roll please................................... here are my 2008 resolutions.
1. Lose weight/get healthy. This is by far the most important of the goals to me and I'm going to do everything i can to do this. I am going to start working out, cutting out fast food, eating healthy, and my goal is to lose at least 5 pounds every month this year. I'm not sure what my exact weight is now but I'm getting a scale tomorrow and will be posting the results to keep me motivated. Ill get more into specifics with this tomorrow once i get things ready.
2. To be playing 25/50nl regularly by the end of the year. Right now my regular game is 5/10 and a little 10/20 when they have games running. I feel like I've been playing good poker lately but in order to be playing 25/50 you need to be playing Great poker. Ive really slacked off big time over the past 6-8 months and feel like I've just been in this rut to where I'm content with my game instead of doing everything possible to become the best i can be. Also I've been playing really short sessions and quitting when I'm up like 700 or 800 instead of staying as long as possible while the game is good.
3. To have at least 3 cashes in tournaments over 10k. I think this one is going to be tough but i feel like its definitely achievable. I didn't have even 1 cash in 07 over 10k but i think my tournament game is going to blow up this year. I don't play very many tournaments but I'm going to play more this year and try to become a good tournament player.
Alright this is getting way too long so I'm going to wrap this up. I will write up a better post tomorrow about the specifics of these resolutions and what I'm going to do to reach them. Anyways hope you had/have a great year and good luck to you and me in 08'. I almost forgot to mention that i did finally reach supernova on the very last day of 07. Also i didnt feel like playing any poker for real last night so i got in a few cheap tourneys and thought i was going to start off the year with a win but.......... nope.

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