So i arrive back to Vegas and go into my room to unpack, and this is what is sitting on my bed, a huge poster of brian urlacher. I guess while i was gone our neighbor knocked on our door and said he was throwing this away and wanted to know if we wanted it. I think this is kind of weird because I've never talked to them and honestly i think I've only seen them once but that's another story. The real dilemma is now figuring out what to do with this thing. Normally i would just hang it up on the wall but unfortunately its a picture of douche urlacher who i don't really care for. I really don't want to throw it away either because its framed and is kind of nice. Anyways enough ranting on about this poster and i guess once i figure out what I'm going to do with it i will put a picture up of it, probably a pic of it in the trash but we'll see.
Since going to Turning stone last week my sleep schedule has been really out of wack and its weird being on the schedule I'm on. I really liked everything about the tournaments at turningstone but instead of a noon start time like everywhere else all of these tourneys started at 10a.m., gross. Since getting back to Vegas i have been waking up at like 9 a.m. every morning and by the time 10-11 p.m. rolls around I'm dead tired haha. The one positive thing about waking up so early is that i never really realized how much you could accomplish in a day if you wake up before 2 or 3. But other than that i just don't think this schedule is for me. I'm a night person so I've been forcing myself to stay up later and trying to sleep in so i can get back to "normal."
Since returning i haven't really had the best results playing poker. It feels like someone just flipped the bad beat switch and now i keep running into set up hands. I'm up a little bit playing live which is really a mystery to me because I've ran into some pretty sick set ups which included me folding KK preflop the other day. Folding the kk preflop isn't a big deal but it kind of summarizes how the cards have been running and luckily ive been playing well and have been able to get away from big hands when I'm beat. Every time I've picked up or made any kind of hand though its been resulting in me running set vs. set/ flush over flush every time and those are just tough to get away from. Even though I'm up only a few hundred bucks (playing live) since returning I'm very happy with my play because i feel like i could easily be down like 2 or 3k. Online has been pretty much the same. I had a couple nice days when i first got back but the past 3 days have been non stop set ups with people trying to give me their money but stars not letting them. Ive only been playing 2/4 but its just frustrating when you keep getting people to put their money in as a huge dog and they keep sucking out. Ive still got about 7000 VIP points to get before the 31st but i don't think its going to be a problem.
Anyways i just wanted to give a quick update on whats been going on the past few days. I think I'm going to play some 5/10 at Caesar's today so i will give an update later on of how that went and I'm out. this is a summary of the past few days online.
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