This picture came out pretty blurry but i would say it perfectly sums up the week and how things looked during it. We had some friends in town for 4 days and what started off as just going to some clubs ended up in us ballin out for 4 nights straight. They arrived in town on thursday and it was pretty much on from the get go. The first night we decided to go to L.A.X. and we got the sickest table in the club. My roommate(hodge) pulled some strings and got us a table right next to the dance floor and it was pretty sweet. We went in expecting to just have just one of the normal tables upstairs but ended up getting escorted to the best seat in the house right next to the dance floor. We took a few pictures but unfortunately they didnt really come out and didnt really capture how sick it was. We also got a bottle for free which was gone in about 20 minutes so we decided to buy 2 more haha. I think we mightve been pushing it going for 3, since there was only 5 of us on 3 litres, but what can you do. Unfortunately the birthday boy got kicked out shortly after we bought the next 2 bottles so we had to leave but not without the rest of the drinks. Our hostess (who i probably wouldve married on the spot) came back and gave us some big cups to take the rest of the vodka with us. After wandering around the luxor for a while we somehow ended up at Caesars and got into a confrontation with some "working ladies." These girls wouldnt leave us alone so some things were said that they didnt like and long story short they took off to go get their pimps to "come get us." It turned into quite the spectacle in the lobby. So after they said they were going to do that the bartender told us that we should probably leave because they would be coming back to get us. We decided to just head back to the imperial palace where things got even more rediculous but i cant really go into detail about it.
Friday i woke up feeling pretty shitty from the night before but was ready to do it again. Lauren had arrived from cali and it was time to do some serious drinking. Before we went out though we decided to have a decent meal at the Stratosphere haha. You're probably thinking "the stratosphere? thats gross" because i was thinking the same thing but they actually have a nice restaurant at the very top of it. It actually ended up being a lot nicer than i was expecting and the food was really good. We all ended up getting steaks/drinks and our tab ended up being around 500 which i didnt really mind because i havent had a nice meal like that in a while. The place was all quit with people trying to have nice romantic dinners and then there was us.
This is a picture from our dinner and the really nice view of the whole city. It was pretty cool up there because while you are eating the whole restaurant is actually spinning around. I would definately recommend it to anyone who comes to vegas because the restaurant is nice plus you get a great view of everything. It takes an hour for the thing to make a whole rotation so while you are there you get to see the whole city. This picture came out really good but for some reason when i try to load it on here it looks all shitty so you cant really tell thats the strip behind us.
After our dinner it was time to start getting down to business. We headed back to the I.P. to do some pre drinking before we headed out. We ended up doing a lot of pre drinking this night before actually going out. It was now about 1 so we decided to get out of the palace and head over to the palms. We saw a limo out front of the imperial and decided we definately needed one for the 5 minute drive. After this limo ride on friday night we only took limos the rest of the trip no matter where we went haha. We rolled into palms around 130 or so and decided we were going to go to ghost bar, didnt happen. We got up to the door and there was no line so we decided it was probably dead and decided we would check it out another night. We then continued to pre drink at a bar in the palms which involved a ton of shots, all of us getting raped at roulette, and some high stakes paper,rock, scissors haha. It was pretty funny at the bar when we were roshamboing for money everyone there was more interested in watching us then anything else. Here's me owning tony telling him im going to go scissors (although it kind of looks like im doing something else.... haha) before we play and then actually going scissors to take it down.
So it was now about 4 or 5 in the morning and after all the shenanigans and predrinking at the palms we decided it was time to go out haha. We hopped into a limo and decided to head over to an after hours club called Seamless. Seamless is pretty cool because its a strip club but its not. What i mean is that its pretty nice inside but theres no stage so its more like a nice bar where there are girls walking around giving dances. Hodge whipped out his business card at the door and we were immediately escorted into the "celebrity" table, which was pretty much the same as all the other tables but up a few feet in the air and had some ropes in front of it. I think at this point we were all pretty wasted/some passing out but we decided we needed to get a bottle anyways. We were here for a few more hours before finally calling it a night/morning so we decided to get a party bus back to the I.P. I really dont remember how or why we got in this party bus to drive us back but it sounds like it was pretty cool.
The end of the night on the party bus
I woke up saturday evening feeling like total shit and did not want to move. But after some tylenol, tums, tons of water, some Fifa 08 (if you have a ps3 buy this game)and a kettle&cranberry i was ready to go again. We headed over to their hotel (i.p.) around 10 to meet up and do some pre- drinking. I think we were all feeling a little shitty from the night before but within no time we were doing shots again haha. It was pretty funny because when we got there we were all saying how we spent so much money last night, took so many shots, were NOT going to take anymore limos, pre-drank for way too long, and didnt want to do that again tonight, wrong. We sat around the i.p pre drinking for like 3 hours, took shots, and decided to get into a limo around 1 to take us to the ghost bar at the Palms. This was the bar that was on the Real world and it was pretty cool i guess. There wasnt anything to spectacular about it other than the outside area. There was a great view from out there and they had a spot where there was a glass floor where you could stand on it and see all the way down to the ground. It was kind of funny to watch people around it. There were people like stomping on it trying to break it for some reason which was funny but would suck because you would die.
outside at ghost bar
After a few hours of the ghost bar we decided to limo it over to an after hours club called empire. Empire is really cool because they play sick music( if you like techno) and it doesnt open until 3am and closes at like 3 the next day i think. Obviously we decided that we needed another table/bottle but this time it kind of sucked because our table was in a really shitty spot. We stayed here for a few hours before finally calling it a night.
Finally it was sunday there last night out here and i was glad it was their last night. We had a great time but i just dont think my body could handle many more nights like these. I headed over to the I.P. to have some pre drinks and for us to figure out what we were going to do for the night. I didnt get there til around 11 or 12 so we only predrank for an hour or so before deciding we were going to go to the playboy club.
in front of the i.p. pre-limo
After we got there we talked to a few people who told us that it sucked so we just decided to have a few drinks there and figure something else out. We decided that we were going to head over to the Wynn and go to Tryst. Once again hodge pulled out the business card and we were right in with no cover. I have always heard this place was sweet and is supposed to be one of the hottest clubs in vegas and it definately lived up to the hype. It was like an inside/outside (whatever that means) place so when you were inside it still felt like you were outside and it had this huge waterfall type thing in the middle of the club. Its hard to explain exactly how it looked but it was just a cool place to be and the fact that every girl in the place was amazing didnt hurt.
i like
We left tryst around???? and decided we were going to head to a strip club. We went to a place called Sin which i had never really heard but at this point we couldve went anywhere and it wouldve been fun. We ended up staying here for a really long time and i didnt end up getting home until around 8 or 9 in a cab, gross.
I know this was reallllllllllllllyyyyyyy long but i hope that it was entertaining. I dont really feel like getting into any poker talk right now after typing all this but i will tomorrow for sure. Ive hit a little road bump and im now convinced that live poker is rigged after losing a 4.5k pot to a world series of poker bracelet winner last night, ill get into it more tomorrow. Anyways hope you enjoyed the post and here are a few more random pics and im out.
this chick looks like Clonie Gowan on steroids
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