Monday, October 01, 2007

15k in October

The new goal that i decided to do is to try and make 15k this month. I was going to go for 20 but like i said this is going to be kind of a hectic month so ill just stick to the 15. I think that i should be able to achieve this as long as i play my game and dont run into a cold streak of bad beats. I really put in a good amount of time playing online this weekend, it was only like 6 hours but thats like how much ive played total since i moved out here. The past few days of online play ive only been playing 5/10 pot limit omaha and have been absolutely killing it. Saturday i caught a hotstreak of cards and before i knew it i was up about 7k in a little over 2 hours haha. Then today(sunday) i played a few tournaments and continued to kill it in omaha. I played 3 tournaments (530nl,109+ rebuys,and 33+rebuys)and was only able to cash in the 33r for about 520 or something finishing in 10th place. I played some more 5/10 plo for a few hours and was able to book another nice win of about 3k. I want to put up some of the hands for you guys to see the big pots i won and lost but the program has been hacked or something so im not using it until it is safe to do so.

Last night i think i probably drank enough liquor to get 5 people drunk. Hodge's birthday was last weekend but his parents were in town so the celebration was moved to last night. He had to work until 130 so i stopped by the wynn and decided to start slamming down (my new drink) Kettle and cranberries. Which was a good idea because the drinks were free but a bad idea because i proceeded to play horrible poker and lost like 1500. So after having some 1500 dollar drinks at the wynn i headed over to tangerine (inside Treasure island)where we had a table and some bottle service. Unfortunately whenever you get bottle service anywhere all they seem to have is greygoose and its horrible compared to Kettle one. At this point i was pretty wasted but from what i remember it was pretty cool there. After polishing off a few bottles and some shots it was now time (4am)to go to an after hours bar(Drai's in bill's gamblin saloon haha)where we supposedly had another table. Somehow we were unable to find the table though and ended up leaving after one drink. Which kind of sucked because we found out today that we were like right by it but some how were too drunk to find it. We ended up calling it a night around 7 this morning and i woke up today with the worst hangover i have had in years. Which is pretty weird because i never get hangovers. It was a fairly expensive night but it was fun and im glad i managed to make a little over 10k on the weekend, haha how sick.

Well that pretty much going to wrap up this post. I wanted to let you know what the goal is going to be and give u a look into the weekends festivities. I took my camera with the plan of taking some pics to put up but sure enough i left it in my car, which was probably for the best because who knows what wouldve happened to it if i had it with me last night. I woke up today with nothing in my wallet and no clue as to where or how much money was in it so i probably wouldve somehow lost my camera too. I wanted to talk more about the nhl, lions, and my nintendo wii but this is getting pretty long and its like 4 in the morning here. Anyways check back tomorrow to see how the first day went and im going to get some pics of the car up as well and im out.


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