Thats right for the past 10 days i have been in operation stackola mode haha. The past 10 days of poker have been pretty sick and i have gone on a rediculous heater( for playing only 2/5). Over the past week or so i have managed to rack up about a 11k profit which is nice since i really have only played one session over 6 hours. I have been playing mainly live at the wynn during my rush but i managed to squeeze in a few hours of online the past couple days and killed it for like 3.5k. There are a few games that have been tough but for the most part once i have been able to find the right table, with the right fish, its been a massacre. Its not like ive been on a sick run of cards either its just been solid play and having horrible players pretty much handing me money left and right. Yesterday i got a guy to push all in into a pot of 80 dollars for 1700 more when i had top set haha. Heres the hand- supertight idiot raises to 25 in early position, folds around to me on the button with kings and i just flat call. Flop comes down kj2, he checks and im about 99% sure he has a huge hand so i bet out 30 making the pot around 80, he Instantly goes all in for 1700 more, i call immediately but this time theres no bad beat story, i win the 3600 pot. That is an extreme example of how bad the play is out here but the live games are so much softer than online its insane. I finally got a new desktop a couple of days ago so im still in the process of puttiing pictures up and giving you the whole story of my comedic trip across country. Im also going to look at a new car tomorrow so if i end up getting it(2002 mustang convertible gt) i will post those and some pics of our apartment set up. Anyways i just wanted to give you a quick update on how poker has been going out here and i will post more about my non poker life in the next couple days. Its going to be a long post so i might try and break it down into a few sections but we'll see. Well im about to head out so check back in a few days and im out.
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