Sunday, June 03, 2007

Day 16/Bodog now owns me!!!

With it being so nice out this weekend i didn't really play a lot of poker but when i did play it didn't go very well. I don't think that i was playing bad i just ran into some big hands, had to make so big lay downs, and when i got the money in the middle with the best hands they weren't holding up. As the title says bodog now officially owns me, not really but i did have a bad weekend on there but i guess i was due since i don't think I've even had a losing session on there yet. Also i lost 300 on game 6 of the pistons series where they were eliminated by titty or whatever the fuck Gibson's name is. Losing the 300 sucks but i think listening to everybody ride lebrons cock for the next 2 weeks is going to be worse than losing the money. Anyways I'm starting to ramble so here are some hands from the past few days and I'm out. - here is the one hand from the weekend that I'm still not sure of whether i like the way i played it or not. This guy had been raising my blinds a lot so i make a standard re raise and obviously wasn't hoping for a call then re raise. I'm pretty sure the sb has a mid pair once he pushes for his last 80 but am pretty unsure of the buttons hand. I hit a great flop for my hand but I'm not exactly in love with it. Once the bb calls the 200 on the flop then bets so weakly on the turn I'm thinking 2 things, he has like ak and is betting so weak in hopes to check the river behind, or he has a monster. I put him on ak mainly due to the fact that he didn't re raise me preflop so i decide to make a smallish looking raise to represent a hand like qqq/kkk but it was just bad timing. Obviously once he re pushes the turn i know i now need a club and i don't get there, gg 1k. The way this hand was played out was pretty weird so I'm unsure of whether i like the way i played. If he does have a hand like ak here i think i get him to lay it down it was just a bad read and i guess played well by this guy? even though i hate his play of just calling my re raise because he now was giving the sb sick odds to call to and playing KK against 2 players just is a bad play in this situation. Anyways i guess he has the money so he played it perfect....

Weekend total- 3,128.84 (1,104.33 stars) (2,024.51 bodog) obviously after i open my mouth Friday about not having a losing session in a while the poker gods slap me down haha.

Goal/bodog bankroll- 3,606.02


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