Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Day 2....

Well i only played for about 1.5 hours again today but still made some good money in the short session. I played 1 table of .50/1 and pretty much ran over the table. I was up about 2 buy ins within the first hour and a half but had some stuff to do so i called it quits for the day. Anyways its the 1st intermission of the Red Wings game so i am going to keep this real short. I already managed to lose my 2nd goal because i bet 50 on the Wings money line tonight but if they end up winning then i wont consider it a loss haha. I still haven't figured out how to get hands from bodog onto pokertracker so i still don't have any hands but hopefully i will figure it out soon. As soon as i figure out what the problem is i will post some hands the 2nd period is about to start so I'm out. GOOO RRRRRRRREEEEDDDD WWWWINNNNNNGGGGGGSSSSSSSSSSSSs

Daily total- 226.34

Overall bankroll- 552.89


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