Thursday, February 15, 2007

Day # 31

Today i only played for a few hours so this will be a short post. I had some pretty good results in the little amount of time i actually played. I wasn't even going to play at all today but i figured i would play in a few tournaments while i was sitting around. So my plan was to play 10/20nl for like a half hour to win money to pay for my tournaments and a half hour later i am up about 1k, not bad. So i quit playing the 10/20 when the tournaments started which was a big mistake because i absolutely sucked in the tournaments and the 10/20 game was pretty weak. I busted out of the tournaments about an hour and a half in so i decided rather that quit playing i would try some more pot limit Omaha. I played the 3/6 game which was playing pretty soft and i was picking up some good hands so i was able to turn my 600 into about 1100 after a few hours. Unfortunately i was playing on my laptop and i cant transfer over the hand histories to my desktop so i cant post any of my hands from today. Well that pretty much sums up my short session from today so with that being said goodnight and I'm out

Daily total- 1,343.81

Total needed- 19,846.82



Anonymous said...

you should be spending money on strippers, midget strippers, midget siamese twin mongolian strippers that aren't afraid to get a little wet

Anonymous said...

why ain't you making money gettin money gettin money holdin it down?>