Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Grand Theft Auto 4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I honestly cant believe how hyped this game is. I dont think theres ever been as much of an anticipated video game ever than gta4. Its all over the tv, the internet, and pretty much everywhere you look. Ive had the past few grand thefts and thought they were alright but i dont know about going all crazy for it. With that being said we're about to go to walmart at midnight and get it haha. Its weird because im not a huge gamer but i would say more of a binge gamer. I have a ps3,xbox360, and a wii which in total altogether they probably get used like 3 or 4 times a month. I go on these spurts where ill play a game for like 3 days straight and then get bored and not play any video games for like a month. Im just hoping this game lives up to all the hype and isnt collecting dust after a few days, we shall see i guess.

Wow that was a pretty long paragraph about video games sorry about that haha. Anyways i just wanted to make a quick post about what ive been up to the past few days and the weekend. Somehow in my last post i completely forgot to talk about my 5/10nl heads up match at Red Rock casino http://www.redrocklasvegas.com/index.php that i somehow got myself into Thursday night. I went there a little before 11 just to bet on a few games for friday and saw they had a short handed 2/5 game going so i decided to hop in for a few. When i sat it was playing 7 handed with a bunch of old donks and this douchebag who was around my age. I call him douchebag because as soon as i sit down i start raising quite a bit of hands and he says to me "I remember you and your stupid raises" haha. I thought this was pretty funny so i ask him where/how he knows me because ive never seen the kid in my life and he wouldnt tell me, wtf? He says something like" lets just say i remember playing with you and i dont want to tell you where from because i dont want to give off any information" , something stupid along those lines. I tell him it doesnt matter because i have no clue who you are and now im just going to raise more hahaha, i was in a gambling mood and the game was so soft i felt it was -EV to not be playing every pot. He didnt seem to think this was as funny as i did and preceeded to rack up his chips immediately and leave haha. Anyways after that we play 6 handed for about a half hour before everyone decides they dont want to play shorthanded anymore and they quit. I was trying to talk them into staying and playing 4 handed but no one wanted to except this old guy so we decided to play heads up.

Roommates just got back with grand theft auto so im sorry im going to cut this off until tomorrow. Check back tomorrow for the 5/10 heads up and how my weekend went, including sundays tournament failures.


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