Monday, August 20, 2007

Don't worry im still alive....

I'm sure you have been wondering where i have been or why i haven't been posting but don't worry I'm still alive. I plan on writing up a good post with the whole story of where i have been,pictures, and how things are going out here but i don't have the time right now so I'm giving you a quick update. My dad and i left for Vegas on the 2nd of august and didn't end up getting to Vegas until the 10th! This was originally going to be a 3 day drive with us stopping and not getting here in a big rush but it turned into the trip from hell. The whole trip was almost like something you would only see in a movie, everything you can imagine that could go wrong did. Ill get into detail about everything in the next post. As for Vegas its amazing out here, besides the insane heat. Live poker has been going great and I've been killing it. Another problem i ran into is getting my money out here(still haven't done yet) so i was just able to start playing like only 5 days ago. The games have been incredibly soft and after only like 3 real sessions(4hours+) I'm up about 3500 which is just sick playing only 2/5. I got into a nice 3k pot yesterday but ill have to give you the details in the next post. Anyways i just figured i would write up something real quick to assure you that I'm not dead haha. We're about to go see Super Bad right now at the palms so check back in the next few days and ill have the blog up and running again with daily posts.

-Nechita- "aka Luckbox" tell you about this later

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