Thursday, May 03, 2007

Day 3, another short session

Today i played another really short session of about 1.5 hours again but was able to still win a decent amount for how short i played. I only played 2 tables of .50/1 but the games are so soft it might as well have been .1/.2 cent. I still cant figure out how to post hands from bodog and its really starting to piss me off. I just want to show some of the hands because they are funny how bad some of them are. The wings squeaked out a win last night in over time in a great game against the sharks so i was able to pick up another 65 off that game. I have enough money in the account now to move up so tomorrow i will be playing 1/2 and i am pretty curious to see if the level of play there is any better. I put 50 bucks on Dallas tonight so hopefully they will finally play a good game and win. They only need to win by 3 and i think that they are well over due to play a good game and Dirk is due for a big night. Anyways that pretty much sums up today's play and I'm heading out to get drunk seeya.

Daily total- 152.17 (plus 50 on tonight's game so really 202)

Overall bankroll- 705.06


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