Sunday, April 15, 2007

Could the sopranos be more boring?

Well the first two episodes of the sopranos are starting off the way the first half of the season ended, incredibly boring. I am just really losing all interest in the show and its too bad because it was a really great show. I hope that they start to pick it up a little bit here or ill just be happy that the boringness is finally over when the series ends. I didn't really have any time to play much poker today so i just decided that i would wait until tomorrow to start up a good session. That combined with my raging hangover from a long night led me to believe that i just wouldn't be able to play my A game. I fooled around for a bit today playing some 5/10 H.O.R.S.E. and was actually able to win around 100 bucks which isn't bad because i think I'm pretty bad at a few of the games. For those of you that don't know HORSE is a game that is made up 5 different games- limit Hold em, Omaha high/lo, Razz, limit Stud, and Stud hi/lo. You play 1 round of each game which is usually around 8 hands and then the game switches to the next game and so on. I thought it was pretty fun just because its so many different variations of poker other than the usual no limit. I think that I'm pretty good at the hold em, Omaha hi/lo, and the razz, but i really feel that my stud game is incredibly weak so i will have to work on that. Anyways that pretty much sums up my day so check back tomorrow to see how i do and I'm out.


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