Monday, January 29, 2007

Fuck sony/Day 17 if you want to call it that.

Today i didn't really do anything in poker other than lose money. I didn't feel like playing at all but sat down for like an hour, played stupid, and lost money. I didn't want to play because i finally got my PS3 hooked up for online play and of course the piece of shit doesn't work. So i was checking online forums for help all day and finally just gave up on it. You would think by spending 600 on a system that things would run smoothly with it but of course Sony could never pull something like that off. I guess i am supposed to forward my router and change all these ip addresses which is absolutely stupid for Sony to expect someone who isn't a total computer geek how to do. Anyways i would suggest to anyone not to buy a PS3 i have had nothing but problems with this thing or at least wait until they come out with more systems that are updated and problem free. Like i said i didn't really play any poker but managed to hand out some money in the little time i did play. I don't really have any hands to put up and i guess the point of this post was pretty much to tell you that i fucking hate Sony. With that being said I'm out and check back tomorrow to see if i have played any poker and to see if my PS3 is still in 1 piece.

Daily total- 718.33 (stupid of me to even play today)

Total needed- 29,193.55


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my Sega Genisus is still working great after 15 years, if you are looking for a high quality system, i would be willing to sell it for a fair price, we can negotiate. I will even throw in the sega cd adapter(the graphics are unreal) and and extra remote controller w/chord. It comes with amazing games including but not limited to: NBA Jams, Nhl 94', Madden 95', and Sonic the Hedgehog(my personal fav). Let me know if you want to work out a deal.